Thursday, May 16, 2024

Garry Crawford

Game Studies

Another area where Garry Crawford has made significant and important contributions to is the study video game culture. Significantly, his early work here focused most notably on sports video games, but beyond this his work expanded to explore the sociology of video games in his book Video Gamers (2012), and then (with Daniel Muriel) the growing social and cultural significance of video game culture in their book Video Games as Culture (2018).  Video Games as Culture not only considers contemporary video game culture, but also explores how video games provide important insights into the modern nature of digital and participatory culture, patterns of consumption and identity formation, later modernity and contemporary political rationalities.[7]

Closely connected to this is his work on cosplay culture, and in particular his book with the practicing artist David Hancock Cosplay and the Art of Play. This book offers an introduction to cosplay as a subculture and community built around playful spaces and everyday practices of crafting costumes, identities, and performances. This book draws on new and original ethnographic research with cosplayers, but moreover, also employs more innovative arts-led practice research.[8]

Selected publications

  • Cosplay and the Art of Play (2019) (with David Hancock)
  • Digital Football Cultures (2019) (edited with Stefan Lawrence)
  • Video Games as Culture (2018) (with Daniel Muriel)
  • Introducing Cultural Studies (Third Edition) (2017) (with Brian Longhurst, Greg Smith, Gaynor Bagnall and Michael Ogborn)
  • Video Gamers (2012)
  • Online Gaming in Context: The Social and Cultural Significance of Online Gaming (2011) (edited with Victoria K. Gosling & Ben Light)
  • Theorising the Contemporary Sports Supporter (2010)
  • The Sage Dictionary of Leisure Studies (2009) (with Tony Blackshaw)
  • Introducing Cultural Studies (Second Edition) (2008) (with Brian Longhurst, Greg Smith, Gaynor Bagnall and Michael Ogborn)
  • Consuming Sport: Sport, Fans, and Culture (2004)

Video Game, a window to look into the world of the Gen YZ and beyond. Another window, the social media.