Sunday, June 9, 2024

As regards 「Big Bounce: In some cyclic models, the universe could undergo repeated cycles of expansion and contraction, leading to new Big Bang events.」,do we have any evidence to support this scenario? (ChayGPT, 2024-6-9)

The "Big Bounce" hypothesis suggests that the universe undergoes endless cycles of expansion and contraction, with each cycle beginning with a Big Bang. While intriguing, this scenario remains speculative and lacks definitive empirical evidence. Here are some aspects to consider regarding the evidence and theoretical support for the Big Bounce:

### Theoretical Support

1. **Quantum Gravity**: Some theories of quantum gravity, such as Loop Quantum Gravity, suggest mechanisms by which a collapsing universe could rebound into a new expansion phase rather than collapsing into a singularity.

   - **Loop Quantum Cosmology**: This branch of Loop Quantum Gravity posits that quantum effects could cause a contracting universe to "bounce" instead of reaching a singularity, leading to a new expansion phase.

2. **Cyclic Models**: Several cyclic models have been proposed by cosmologists, including:

   - **Ekpyrotic Model**: This model involves brane cosmology, where the universe undergoes cycles of contraction and expansion due to interactions between branes in higher-dimensional space.

   - **Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC)**: Proposed by Roger Penrose, CCC suggests that the universe undergoes an infinite sequence of aeons, each beginning with a Big Bang and ending in a state that seeds the next Big Bang.

### Challenges and Lack of Evidence

1. **Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)**: Observations of the CMB provide a detailed snapshot of the early universe. While certain anomalies or patterns in the CMB could hint at pre-Big Bang events, no definitive evidence has been found to support a cyclic universe.

   - **B-modes Polarization**: Certain patterns in the polarization of the CMB, known as B-modes, could potentially provide clues about the pre-Big Bang universe, but current observations have not yielded conclusive evidence.

2. **Dark Energy and Expansion**: The observed accelerated expansion of the universe driven by dark energy suggests a future where the universe continues to expand indefinitely, which is more consistent with the Big Freeze scenario than a cyclic one.

3. **Singularity Avoidance**: While quantum gravity theories suggest mechanisms to avoid singularities, these ideas are still theoretical and lack direct experimental verification.

### Ongoing Research

Researchers continue to explore and test the implications of cyclic models:

- **Primordial Gravitational Waves**: Future observations of primordial gravitational waves might provide insights into the conditions of the early universe, potentially supporting or refuting cyclic models.

- **High-Energy Physics**: Advances in high-energy physics and experiments in particle accelerators could shed light on the fundamental nature of space-time and the potential for cyclic behavior.

### Conclusion

Currently, the Big Bounce remains a speculative hypothesis without direct empirical evidence. It is an interesting theoretical possibility supported by some models of quantum gravity and cyclic cosmology, but it faces significant challenges and uncertainties. Observations and experiments in cosmology and high-energy physics may provide further insights in the future, potentially supporting or refuting the cyclic universe scenario.



最大的規格 (scale),仍符合翕闢成變,




(Michael Balint 論心理治療,提出 new beginning ,海德格論文明史,亦提出 new beginning,所謂新開始,就是不願墮入,上述那個「舊的」角力,企圖重新改寫演化,殊不知,一旦新開始,就會有另一輪「新的」角力),






我說過很多次,人算就是人禍,就是 negativity,就是邪惡,




比如說,quasar,black hole,
