Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)

The German nuclear weapons program, known as Uranverein, was formed on 1 September 1939, the day World War II began in Europe

Uranverein (Uranium Club) or Uranprojekt (Uranium Project)

Alsos Mission

Operation Epsilon

Brighter than a thousand suns: A personal history of the atomic scientists (Robert Jungk, 1958)

Operation Epsilon, The Farm Hall Transcripts (Charles Frank, 1993)

Heisenberg's War: The Secret History of the German Bomb (Thomas Powers, 1993)

Farm Hall and the German Atomic Project of World War II: A Dramatic History (David C. Cassidy, 2017)

起因是,Karen Barad (2007),提到 Copenhagen (Michael Frayn, 1998),1941 年秋天,Werner Heisenberg 去哥本哈根晤 Niel Bohr,他們倆人,談了些什麼,就是這個劇本,要想像的事,我認為,Heisenberg 沒有那麼無辜,如果他作得出原子彈,他不會不幫納粹作,而 Niel Bohr 如果作得出,也會假裝作不出,意思是說,這個劇本,需要處理的是,兩個沒有權利對權力誠實的物理學家,互相騙了對方什麼,你要理解,科學家也會爭先恐後,比如說,他們常說,如果我不作,別人就會先作,所以我要先作,說這句話的,就是石正麗賀建奎,然後,多年後,你告訴我,這兩個狗娘養的雜種,無不無辜,