Monday, June 10, 2024

What’s Tolmam-Oppenheimer-Volkov limit? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-10)

The Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) limit is the maximum mass that a neutron star can have while still supporting itself against gravitational collapse through neutron degeneracy pressure. Beyond this limit, the neutron star will collapse further, potentially forming a black hole. This concept is analogous to the Chandrasekhar limit for white dwarfs.

### Key Points About the TOV Limit

1. **Neutron Degeneracy Pressure**:

   - Neutron stars are supported against gravitational collapse by neutron degeneracy pressure, a quantum mechanical effect arising from the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two neutrons can occupy the same quantum state.

2. **Value of the TOV Limit**:

   - The exact value of the TOV limit is not precisely known due to uncertainties in the equation of state (EOS) of neutron star matter, which describes how matter behaves at extremely high densities.

   - Estimates of the TOV limit typically range between approximately 2 to 3 solar masses (\(2-3 M_\odot\)).

3. **Equation of State**:

   - The EOS of neutron star matter determines the relationship between pressure and density. Different models of the EOS yield different values for the TOV limit.

   - Research and observations, such as the study of neutron star mergers and gravitational wave data, help refine the EOS and thus the TOV limit.

### Implications of the TOV Limit

1. **Neutron Star Stability**:

   - If a neutron star's mass exceeds the TOV limit, neutron degeneracy pressure can no longer support it, leading to gravitational collapse.

   - The result of this collapse is typically the formation of a black hole.

2. **Astrophysical Observations**:

   - Observing the masses of neutron stars in binary systems helps constrain the TOV limit. The most massive neutron stars observed provide lower bounds for this limit.

   - Gravitational wave detections from neutron star mergers by observatories like LIGO and Virgo provide additional data to refine the TOV limit.

3. **Formation Pathways**:

   - The TOV limit influences the end states of massive stars. Stars with cores that exceed this limit after a supernova will collapse directly into black holes.

   - It also affects the outcomes of neutron star mergers, where the combined mass may exceed the TOV limit, leading to black hole formation.

### Summary

- **Neutron Degeneracy Pressure**: The force that supports neutron stars against gravitational collapse.

- **Estimated Value**: Ranges between 2 and 3 solar masses, depending on the EOS of neutron star matter.

- **Implications**: Determines the maximum mass of stable neutron stars and influences the formation of black holes from neutron star collapse or mergers.

The TOV limit is a crucial concept in astrophysics for understanding the stability and ultimate fate of neutron stars, as well as the formation of black holes.