Tuesday, October 17, 2017

八天 (10/16 - 10/23)

10/17   3:23 AM  最近看了不少萬秀豬王草根情色插科打諢演甚麼像甚麼說明了豬哥亮晚年人生哲學已達天人合一的境界這是人類世以來少有的成就一切都配合得很好包括那七仙女艷舞跳得很好陳亞蘭以一世歌仔戲功力演出舞台劇天衣無縫其他那幾個穿梭的年輕人我就不認識了觀察十九大相關消息論述已久這兩天看到紅太祖即將登基遂知不必再看遂知何謂絕望也遂知為何黑格爾說中國幾千年唯一人自由其他人皆為奴台灣只有可笑沒有好笑(豬哥亮例外)大陸則沒有可笑也沒有好笑意思是說沒有笑也不能笑博士論文題目從豬哥亮的一生看台灣近百年現代精神文明之成就與其反璞歸真  4:31 PM  不想出入中組部牛奶淡出鳥來malaise沒有元氣不夠精神所以倦怠的是精氣神是形上的倦形上的怠三十五以下者對工作的相信是什麼五十以上者對工作的無奈是什麼三十五到五十者對工作(已)沒有相信也(還)沒有無奈人的身體裡面有一根弦退休的那天這根弦就會突然斷掉這根弦是什麼台灣中小企業平均壽命十三年日本中小企業平均壽命三十年 10:41 PM  (中國)歷史之局變必由大限

Flýja - For Ólafur Arnalds - And They Have Escaped the Weight of Darkness 


Flýja (‘Flee-ya’)

Escapism (or ‘to flee’ in Icelandic) is to break free from confinement; the urge to flee, to find something else. That something else is elusive, but you know it, feel it, and you search for it.

The last year has been an unfathomable delve into the visual narrative of memory, synaesthesia and coloration. Predominantly influenced by one particular human, Ólafur Arnalds and his album ‘And They Have Escaped the Weight of Darkness’.

My search steeped my curiosity in Scandinavian psyche and inspiration from Ólafur Arnalds’ musical narrative; endeavouring the visualisation of emotion. Recollecting memories of that sublime feeling when you travel to somewhere you’ve never been before, or for some, the longing of familiar places. The interpretation of this is unreservedly open to each individual’s experience, the way you perceive your senses and emotions will make this encounter different to the next individual.

This final major animation is an homage to all the music, people and wanderlust; a reminder to never stop searching for whatever that feeling is, to escape.

Ólafur, this is for you.