Friday, October 6, 2017


2018 切記 勿造作





Deanxit / Epram

月色 (2017-10-6)

2017-10-9 (AM / PM OPD)

2017-10-11 (PM MC x2)

2017-10-30* / 2017-11-27 / 2017-12-25

2017-12-9* / 2017-12-27

H4 (Nov 2017)

Malaise: A Novel (a la Nausea)  意思是說  需要小說來處理

Malaise: a state of deathly stagnation (厭倦 倦怠 一灘死水 荒瘠大地), which cannot be vitalized or invigorated

Besides Charles Taylor, it seemed that no one else had felt malaise in our modern times, though some liked to use the term "postmodern malaise".

Race against time

--- for them (被放逐的良心和聲音  海外民運人仕), they are dying out, in the next one, at most two, decades, and meantime, no sign of impending collapse of China is definite

--- and for me, I most likely will not live to see that day, when the regime transition is ignited and put in motion, I will die in this island, in the dark night of history

--- and forTaiwan, most likely, it will not survive 

--- and for China, well, it is, and if without luck, historical luck, always will be, a world of 1984 

我先前說過   兩岸關係的希望在時間  
自然的時間   地質學的時間
你現在應該知道   我們沒有這種時間

10/8 1:13 PM 等一下煮一鍋飯

10/11 5:43 AM dawn. two hours away. fin. however, whole day business, till 9 PM, today.