Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Psychoanalytic concepts for the historians across the dire strait

1.   The sovereignty of the unconscious
2.   Compromise formation
3.   Repetition compulsion
4.   Return of the repressed
5.   Return of the disavowed
6.   Transference and countertransference
7.   Basic fault (personal and historical)
8.   Regression (benign and malignant)
9.   Trauma
10.  Loss
11.  Confusion of tongue
12.  Narcissism
13.  Vulnerability of mutual recognition
14.  Prone to be narcissistically injuried
15.  Narcissistic rage
16.  Selfobject
17.  Archaic selfobject need and transference
18.  Bipolar self / Tripolar self
19.  Vertical split (split of the mind)
20.  Disintegration products
21.  Self-censorship
22.  Self-deception
23.  Aggression
24.  Destructiveness
25.  Anxiety
26.  Fear
27.  Prejudice
28.  Paranoid
29.  No way out
30.  Is there life elsewhere
31.  Futility
32.  Despair
33.  憋屈
34.  悲催
35.  Is there hope
36.  Object relations
37.  Paranoid-schizoid position
38.  Depressive position
39.  K  vs.  -K
40.  Container-contained
41.  Reparation
42.  Redemption
43.  "To prevent someone who KNOWS from filling the empty space"