Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Lacan Tradition (ed Lionel Bailly, 2018-2-28)

The Lacanian tradition is unique among psychoanalytic schools in its influence upon academic fields such as literature, philosophy, cultural and critical studies. This book aims to make Lacan's ideas accessible and relevant also to mainstream psychoanalysts, and to showcase developments in Lacanian thinking since his death in 1981. The volume highlights the clinical usefulness of such concepts as the paternal metaphor, the formula of fantasy, psychic structure, the central role of desire and the interlinking of the individual subject in the matrix of the Other. While these themes are woven through all the papers, each is a highly individual reflection upon some aspect of Lacanian theory, practice or history. Bernard Burgoyne's close study of the sources of Lacan's academic inspirations clarifies many of his ideas; Sara Flanders' remarkable overview of the field of French psychoanalysis situates Lacan firmly at its centre; while Lionel Bailly's exposition of Lacan's version of the Oedipus Complex reclaims a currently fashionable area of psychoanalysis for the man who alone in the 1950s made the case for the necessity of the tripartite structure of object-relations in the psyche. Berges and Balbo's work shows Lacanian thinking presaging recent evidence-based ideas of how mother-baby interactions bring into being the ability to mentalise and the development of subjectivity itself. Nobus' paper encapsulates the trajectory and aim of a Lacanian analysis. These pages will, the editors hope, open the reader's eyes to the fertility and importance of the Lacan tradition and bring it closer into the fold of psychoanalytic thought. (amazon)

About the editor

Lionel Bailly is a psychoanalyst and a child and adolescent psychiatrist. He is a practicing analyst of the Association Lacanienne Internationale and an Academic Associate of the British Psychoanalytical Society. He is Honorary Senior Lecturer at University College London Psychoanalysis Unit where he is particularly involved in the doctoral school. He trained in medicine and psychiatry at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. After a long collaboration with Jean Bergès he became head of Sainte-Anne’s Biopsychopathology Unit, which he led until moving to London in 2000. He is the author of two books, one on psychotrauma in children (in French) and Lacan: A Beginner's Guide (in English).(amazon)