Saturday, August 8, 2020

Giorgio Agamben (b 1942)

Statements on COVID-19

Agamben, in an article published by Il Manifesto on 26 February 2020, wrote that the COVID-19 pandemic was an "invention": "In order to make sense of the frantic, irrational, and absolutely unwarranted emergency measures adopted for a supposed epidemic of coronavirus, we must begin from the declaration of the Italian National Research Council (NRC), according to which 'there is no SARS-CoV2 epidemic in Italy.' and 'the infection, according to the epidemiological data available as of today and based on tens of thousands of cases, causes light/moderate symptoms (a variant of flu) in 80-90% of cases. In 10-15%, there is a chance of pneumonia, but which also has a benign outcome in the large majority of cases. We estimate that only 4% of patients require intensive therapy.'"[50][51][52]

not sure why this supposed-to-be-knowledgeable guy said something so stupid about this CCP viciously tailor-made anti-humanity viral pandemic