Saturday, August 8, 2020

sexton (廟公) (Psychology of the self) (Daseinsanalysis) (Critical Psychotherapy)

sexton is an officer of a church, congregation, or synagogue charged with the maintenance of its buildings and/or the surrounding graveyard.

Raised a Roman Catholic, he was the son of the sexton of the village church that adhered to the First Vatican Council of 1870, which was observed mainly by the poorer class of Meßkirch. 


後來我們說到廟公因為我說心理治療的關係是病人與廟公的關係我說廟公通常中弱智 (mild to moderate mental retardation) 我提到海德格的父親就是廟公但更高興的是上述維基百科提到除了守廟還要守墳場這兩樁事加在一起真是太傳神了阿財守的是義莊有點類似後來我想好像沒有聽說天底下有國際廟公學會好像也沒有聽說天底下有廟公證照督導和繼續教育學分這點說明人與天的關係是一種優美的我們已經失去的前現代的關係失去以後只好裝模作樣裝神弄鬼