Sunday, July 10, 2022

Elizabeth Adams St. Pierre(後結構主義和心理治療) (2015)

See also (2014)

A Brief and Personal History of Post Qualitative Research: Toward “Post Inquiry” (2017)

Writing Post Qualitative Inquiry (2016)

New Empiricisms and New Materialisms: Conditions for New Inquiry

This article, which introduces this special issue on new empiricisms and new materialisms, focuses on two of the many conditions that enable this new work: first, an ethical imperative to rethink the nature of being to refuse the devastating dividing practices of the dogmatic Cartesian image of thought and, second, a heightened curiosity and accompanying experimentation in the becoming of existence. The article includes a brief description of how matter matters differently in this new work, of Deleuze and Guattari’s description of philosophy as the laying out of a plane that enables new concepts, a discussion of the “new,” and how/if methodology can be thought in the “new.” (2020)

Why Post Qualitative Inquiry?

This article explains that post qualitative inquiry is not a pre-existing humanist social science research methodology with research designs, processes, methods, and practices. It cannot be accommodated by nor is it another version of qualitative research methodology. It refuses method and methodology altogether and begins with poststructuralism, its ontology of immanence, and its description of major philosophical concepts including the nature of being and human being, language, representation, knowledge, truth, rationality, and so on. Its goal is not to find and represent something that exists in the empirical world of human lived experience but to re-orient thought to experiment and create new forms of thought and life.

Top Ten+ List: (Re)Thinking Ontology in (Post)Qualitative Research ( (2106)