Sunday, July 10, 2022

if you enjoy chewing it for a while (混沌理論) (後結構主義和心理治療)

if you enjoy chewing it for a while (William Coburn, 2014, p. xiv)

The agent of change is always a systems event. ... the participants, and not one person alone, create the agent of change. Therapeutic action is thus understood as an emergent property and product of the clinical relationship ... (ibid, p. 94)

Coburn 明顯把關係 (relationship) 和脈絡 (context),當成混沌,這不是婆媽溫良同理的互為主體,這是有誤會爭執衝突,會促成 emergence 的互為主體,意思是說,宇宙的生成,非來自善意,是來自爆炸,

Thelen, E. (2005) ‘Dynamic systems theory and the complexity of change, ’ Psychoanalytic Dialogues 15, 2: 255–283. 

Thelen, E. and Smith, L. B. (1994) A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Development of Cognition and Action, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Aron, L. (2006) ‘Analytic impasse and the third: Clinical implications of intersubjectivity, ’ International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 87: 349–368.

Marks-Tarlow, T. (2011) ‘Merging and emerging: A nonlinear portrait of intersubjectivity during psychotherapy, ’ Psychoanalytic Dialogues 21: 110–127.