(accessible via Z library, put in the reference)
These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
Friday, September 30, 2022
Ronald Fairbairn (1889-1964) (2022-10-5)
An Outline of Fairbairn's Structural Model[edit]
Fairbairn's 1944 paper introduced the psychoanalytic community to his alternative view of the structure of the human personality which he saw as being the result of dissociation of intolerably frustrating experiences with the individuals parents. Before he introduced his model he commented on the ability of one structure (or sub-self) to repress another sub-self, and in so doing, become the executive (dominant) ego structure.
It is not inconceivable that one part of the "ego" with a dynamic charge should repress another part of the "ego" with a dynamic charge..In order to account for repression, we thus appear to be driven to the necessity of assuming a certain multiplicity of egos (Fairbairn, 1952, p. 90).[1]
The ability of one ego state to repress another ego state is the central dynamic of the unconscious in Fairbairn's model. It accounts for the shifting of ego states (or self-states) that can occur when for instance, the central ego interacts with someone who resembles (or seems to resemble) the rejecting object of their childhood. The central ego is instantly repressed and the angry, combative antilibidinal ego reappears, and becomes the dominant or "executive ego". His whole mood and experience of the world shifts and he is ready to defend himself and taunt the more powerful rejecting object. Conversely the central ego may be replaced by the libidinal ego if someone in his environment promises praise and advancement (or he imagines this to be so), and he begins to slavishly seek the individuals approbation. Fairbairn saw psychopathology as an endless series of shifting ego states which were originally designed to protect the individual from the harsh realities of their childhood, but in adulthood they disrupt the individual because of the incomplete views of themselves and the incomplete views of people around them.
Fairbairn's 1944 structural theory emerged from his careful and detailed analysis of a patient's dream (Fairbairn, 1952, pp. 95–106).[1] He observed that the patient had separate views of herself and of her significant others that could be understood as part-selves and part objects. Fairbairn saw that there were three pairs of structures- one pair was conscious and the other two pairs were largely unconscious.The fundamental position of Object Relations Theory is that for every developing self there has to be a object to whom it relates, thus every pair of structures contains a version of self paired with a version of the object (other person) to whom the self structure was relating. The two conscious structures are The Central Ego (the self structure) and its relationship to the Ideal Object (the "good object" other) , and two pairs of unconscious structures. The first pair of (mostly unconscious structures) are The Antilibidinal Ego (the self structure, which Fairbairn originally called the "internal saboteur") is an internal representation of the neglected, humiliated and enraged child in a relationship to the Rejecting Object, (the object structure) which is an internal representation of the abusive parent. The second pair of unconscious structures are The Libidinal Ego (the self structure) which is the child's fantasy of the good parent whom he wishes for and his relationship to the Exciting Object (the object structure) which is a fantasy representation of the loving parent who offers him hope for the future. In Fairbairn's model the need of the child for a positive parent is so intense that the deprived child creates a "good" parent out of fantasy and hope. This second vision of the parent (mis)perceives the parent as filled with the potential of love. This vision of the parent is built out of the occasional positive or tender interaction that the child has experienced with his mostly rejecting parents. The attachments of these two mostly unconscious selves to these part objects constitutes what Fairbairn defined as an attachment to the Bad Object. The Bad Object has two facets: the antilibidinal ego argues with and complains about its mistreatment to the rejecting object in an attempt to reform it, while the libidinal ego seeks ways to find out how to please the exciting object which promises it love which is always out of reach. Neither part-self (antilibidinal ego, libidinal ego) is willing to give up their quest, and neither part object (rejecting object and exciting object) is willing to concede defeat, and neither of the object representations (rejecting or exciting) is willing to give either of the child's two selves any satisfaction.
See also
Michael Balint (1896-1970) (2022-10-5)
Harold Stewart et al.: Michael Balint: Object Relations Pure and Applied. London: Routledge, 1996
Henry Guntrip (1901-1975) (2022-10-5)
Hazell, J (1986). H. J. S. Guntrip: A Psychoanalytical Biography, Free Association Books
John Sutherland (1905-1991) (2022-10-5)
- Fairbairn's Journey into the Interior (1989)
普丁,習近平,BPD (2022-10-5)
Episode 86: An Independent Thinker: Joel Whitebook Interviews Fred Pine (b 1931) (2022-10-5)
See also
Pine, F. (2021) A Personal Odyssey Through Psychoanalytic Process and Presence. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 69:941-963
Ackerman, S. (2021) Fred Pine: An Exemplary Analyst. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 69:937-940
治療者怎麼照顧自己 (2022-10-5)
Thursday, September 29, 2022
星期四 (9/29/22)
無事,是意外的,一九四零年,七月到十二月,Varian Fry 在馬賽,營救了二三千人,幫助他們逃離法國,經庇里牛斯山,穿西班牙,抵里斯本,離開歐洲,赴英北美南美,這和八九六四,港人黃雀行動,營救被共匪追捕之仁人志士,同樣可歌可泣,你要理解,這是殺頭的買賣,是要命的,
第二圖 (2022-10-5)
盧冠廷 Lowell Lo - 《一生所愛》Live Version (2022-9-28)
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
本我心理學 (2022-9-28)
Id psychology,本我心理學,是精神分析的開始,所謂 talking cure ,意思是說,catharsis ,abreaction ,chimney sweeping ,make the unconscious conscious,那時,佛洛依德和 Josef Breuer,還不知道,他們打開的,是什麼樣的,潘朵拉的盒子,
老陳的邏輯和中國的未來 (2022-9-28)
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Blaine Holt to Newsmax: 'Something Is Up' With China and Xi Jinping
譫妄的氣質 (2022-9-28)
今早跟謝君說,sadism,masochism,narcissism ,borderline,psychosis,皆為病理用詞,要形容 Artaud 和 Bacon,最好還是譫妄,我說,譫妄是急性腦衰竭 (acute brain failure),貝克特的最後幾年,住進一個寒酸的養老院,小小的房間,面對一個 court yard ,種了一棵荒瘠的樹,就像等待果陀的那棵,貝克特過世前數日,就是陷入譫妄,意思是說,見到譫妄,就像見到死神,比如說,癌末彌留之際,必譫妄,譫妄是一陣一陣的,意識模糊混亂,也許有幻覺,也許沒有,生命跡象極其不穩,Kohut 過世前,赴柏克萊,參加他的最後一次,自體心理學年會,那天晚上,在下榻的旅館,曾半夜狂亂,我想當時他就是譫妄,意思是說,隔天他強撐著,清晰的,講完即席演講,On Empathy,的前一晚,他曾譫妄,以上,是肉體即將緣滅前的譫妄,Artaud 和 Bacon 的譫妄,你可稱之為,存在上的譫妄,意思是說,不譫不妄,他就不存在,這種人,史稱「譫妄的氣質」,D&G 亦有此氣質,否則不會講 BwO,
超穩定結構非生命本色 (2022-9-28)
Monday, September 26, 2022
補 (2022-9-26) (2022-9-28)
自體心理學討論區 (2022-9-26)
之前的已經轉成 pdf
(1) 沒有辦法遵循結構的病人怎麼辦
(2) 不同學派之間如何相處
我說 結構缺損者 其治療結構必有困難 治療結構 就是約好的時間 空間 準時開始 準時結束 收費 如何請假 如果沒有來 又沒有請假 費用怎麼算
會有這種困難者 必為自體疾患
所以 你要小心 低功能的自體疾患
中等功能 會好很多 高功能 則他混得比治療者還好 兩者都不會有這種基本的困難
如何避免 接了低功能者 進治療室 而無法脫身
我會建議 思考你接案的流程
我的作法是 (1) 磨合期 (2) 評估期 (四次) (3) 正式療程 (3.1) 短期治療 四十次以內 (3.2) 長期治療 一年以上
不同學派之間 需要學習 如何相處 如何欣賞對方 用不同的方法 炒蛋炒飯
當然最糟 也是最常見的情況是 誰的拳頭大 誰說了算
意思是說 治療界的政治和權力 一點都不文雅
最後提到擁有自己的治療室 這是必要的 因為病人要的是 走進你的空間 不是走進治療者們的空間
換句話說 那最好是一個 personal 的空間
心理治療發生在哪裡 (2022-9-28)
政變日記 九二六 (2022)
Sunday, September 25, 2022
A Hidden Life (2019) (2022-9-28)
A Hidden Life is a 2019 epic historical drama film written and directed by Terrence Malick. It stars August Diehl, Valerie Pachner, and Matthias Schoenaerts with Michael Nyqvist in his final performance. The film depicts the life of Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer and devout Catholic who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II
Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943)
自體的心理學 vs censorship (2022-9-28)
Censorship 分內外,外是前提,內則是內化進去,以致外睡著了,內也不敢亂動,這就是傅科講的 panopticon ,所以 censorship 的最終目的,是以恐懼統治 (rule by fear) ,讓每一個人自我審查 (self-censor) ,這樣對統治者而言,最省事,但效果最好,
what if nothing speaks to you (2022-9-28)
skid row (2022-9-28)
Skid row是个俚语,意思是“贫民窟”、“酒徒和失业者的聚集地”。这个说法最早出现在20世纪30年代,由 skid road 变化而来。所以,skid row的故事还得从skid road说起。
19世纪的伐木工人实在是聪明,为了将伐下的树从森林运到作坊里,他们用圆木(也就是“滑动垫木”,skid)铺了一条道,这就是他们发明的skid road,这样,伐木就可以通过这条“滑道”(skid road)滚到作坊里去;不久,伐木工人又出新招,给垫木上蜡(grease the skid),上了蜡的“滑道”那才叫真正的"又滑又顺"。 于是,grease the road 的说法也迅速流行开来,用来比喻“加速进程”。
而这具有特殊意义的skid road也随之成为“伐木工人居住地”的代名词。据说第一批skid road就是19世纪早期出现在西北部太平洋地区伐木工人居住的小镇里。
如今的skid road今非昔比,酒吧和廉价旅馆林立,招引来一些穷人、酒徒和失业者。那些失业工人们由于常来 skid row 被称为on the skids(快要被解雇的;走下坡路的)。
例句:He started drinking, and now he is on the skids. 他开始喝酒,现在情况越来越糟了。
20世纪30年代的“大萧条”将几百万的美国工人推向skid road,美国的贫民窟迅速增多,几乎每个小镇上都有一个,而的skid road也改名为今天所说的skid row。
which speaks to you?(2022-9-28)
Saturday, September 24, 2022
九二四 (2002)
這一波共匪病毒,不管是 BAL 那一款,確診後,前三天,很辛苦,發燒,虛弱,加上感冒症狀,一周後轉陰,才可解隔離,之後兩周,仍易疲倦,以上是沒有服抗病毒藥物,所謂中藥,恐怕只是安慰劑,頂多籠統調理,所謂元氣,其間多喝水,睡覺休息,注意營養,即可,
MACAT (2022-9-28)
The Macat Library (213 本書)
Macat’s Approach
Macat has created the only robust skills based proprietary model and definition of critical thinking: The PACIER Model.

The PACIER model effectively breaks down critical thinking into its component parts to allow more accurate and accessible development.
Problem solving
Creative thinking
The PACIER model has been developed in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, the London School of Economics and Political Science, OECD PISA and several UK testing boards. The framework was ratified in 2016 in the world’s largest critical thinking study of over 10,000 individuals.
元老出手 習近平遭“軟禁” 官媒文章暗示習被奪軍權
5:18 AM (2022-9-24)
2:53 AM,樓下夜店,男女前戲,穢聲穢影,免不了,討厭,你好壞,趕快放進來,my god,來了,又來了,你快把我搞壞了,嗚嗚,奴家還要,再來,插深一點,再快一點,哥哥,你真的他媽的好棒,窗明几淨,勿惹塵埃,奴家幫哥哥舔乾淨,等等,吵雜不堪,遂起身,不復入睡,你要理解,前戲屬語言,正戲屬動作,後戲屬哲思,前戲就是慾望高漲,正戲就是事件演出 (acting out),後戲就是多此一舉,為時已晚,悔不當初,後悔莫及,此後只剩不可能的救贖,此為人生三戲,屢戲不爽,意思是說,人管不住他的性器官,是歷史和人間情事的推動力,意思是說,貞操帶,就是中共維穩,意思是說,管不住你的嘴,起碼可以管得住你的屌,不過根據日本 A 片的智慧結晶,嘴的功能無限,比如說,大島優香,舌頭分岔轉彎,所謂舌燦蓮花,簡直人間絕技,讓人感動落淚,迄今三講,按周度日,此次歸途,封筆之作,時間掌握,簡直笑話,意思是說,完全失控,北京態勢,十分詭譎,信息混亂,包子似乎,失去軍權,此為關鍵,儘管小洪,公安姓習,你要理解,公安無飛機坦克導彈,只有幾管鳥槍可耍,意思是說,槍桿子大於刀把子,曹公百萬,無人機狙,此招甚佳,
Friday, September 23, 2022
Transgender: Ensuring Mental Health (2022-9-28)
Sullivan Revisited. Life and Work. Harry Stack Sullivan’s Relevance for Contemporary Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (Marco Conci, 2012) (2022-9-28)
Conditions for one to be one (2022-9-28)
To Redeem One Person Is To Redeem The World: A Life of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann (Gail Hornstein, 2000) (2022-9-28)
治療者是病人存在的證據 (2022-9-28)
治療者是病人存在的證據 (2022-9-28)
前兩天,有人問到,how to heal the vertical split,
因為,他們,those split selves,彼此不願相認,
意思是說,整合,不過是,自圓其說,意思是說,只是暫時忽悠自己 (和治療者),等下次被抓到再說,屆時再來整合一次,
Thursday, September 22, 2022
野豬林 (2022-9-28)
Sebald and rat (2022-9-28)
According equal status to the living and the dead—after all, they jostled side by side for space in his mind—Sebald would perhaps view his own passing with equanimity. He is spared the labor of writing the next book. For the rest of us, not having that book to look forward to is a blow, a subtracted hope.
I am reminded of Sebald’s account of an experiment that intrigued him. “They put a rat in a cylinder that is full of water and the rat swims around for about a minute until it sees that it can’t get out and then it dies of cardiac arrest,” he told me. A second rat is placed in a similar cylinder, except that this cylinder has a ladder, which enables the rat to climb out. “Then, if you put this rat in another cylinder and don’t offer it a ladder, it will keep swimming until it dies of exhaustion,” he explained. “You’re given something—a holiday to Tenerife or you meet a nice person—and so you carry on, even though it’s quite hopeless. That may tell you everything you need to know.”
He chuckled. Disconsolately, merrily, companionably, bitterly, resignedly, darkly, theatrically, dourly, inconsolably? One is in no position to say.
—The Emergence of Memory: Conversations with W.G. Sebald (Crossing Boundaries, p. 172)
Sebald and dust (2022-9-28)
EW: In The Emigrants, the painter in Manchester whom you call Max Ferber thinks he’s found his destiny when he sees sooty Manchester with all its smokestacks, and he feels he’s come there to “serve under the chimney.” Why is he so drawn to dust? What does that mean for him?
WGS: We know the biblical phrase, dust to dust and ashes to ashes, so the allegorical significance of dust is clear. The other thing is that dust is a sign of silence somehow. And there are various references in other stories in the book to dusting and cleanliness. That of course has been in a sense a German and Jewish obsession, you know, keeping things kosher and clean. This is one of the things that those two in many ways quite closely allied nations shared. And there is the episode in the story of Adelwarth where the narrator goes through Deauville and a woman’s hand appears through one of those closed shutters, scarcely open shutters, on the first floor and shakes out a duster.
There are some people who feel a sense of discomfort in tidy, well-kept, constantly looked-after houses. And I belong to those people. I’ve always felt it to be difficult to be in a house where this sort of cold order is maintained, the cold order which was typical of the middle-class salon which would only be opened once or twice a year for certain days like Christmas, perhaps, or an anniversary of one kind or another, and where the grand piano would stand in dead silence throughout the year and the furniture possibly be covered with dust sheets and so on.
By contrast, if I get into a house where the dust has been allowed to settle, I do find that comforting somehow. I remember distinctly that around about the time when I wrote the particular passage that you are referring to, I visited a publisher in London. He lived in Kensington. He had still some business to attend to when I arrived, and his wife took me up to a sort of library room at the very top of this very tall, very large, terraced house. And the room was all full of books, and there was one chair. And there was dust everywhere; it had settled over many years on all those books, on the carpet, on the windowsill, and only from the door to the chair where you would sit down to read, there was a path, like a path through snow, as it were, you know, worn, where you could see that there wasn’t any dust because occasionally somebody would walk up to that chair and sit down and read a book.
And I have never spent a more peaceful quarter of an hour than sitting in that particular chair. It was that experience that brought home to me that dust has something very, very peaceful about it.
—The Emergence of Memory: Conversations with W.G. Sebald (Ghost Hunter, pp. 57-58)
The Quantum Self : A Revolutionary View of Human Nature and Consciousness Rooted in the New Physics (Danah Zohar, 1990) (2023)
Mann, D. (1994) The Quantum Self by Danah Zohar. Published by Flamingo, 1991; 245 pages.. British Journal of Psychotherapy 10:591-595
See also
See also
Kulka, R. (1997) Quantum Selfhood: Commentary on Paper by Beebe, Lachmann, and Jaffe. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 7:183-187
Sucharov, M. S. (1992) Chapter 11 Quantum Physics and Self Psychology: Toward a New Epistemology. Progress in Self-Psychology 8:199-211
Epstein, K. J. (1987) Quantum Psychodynamics. International Review of Psychoanalysis 14:125-126
趙毅老師跟他的野鴨子 (2022-9-28)
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Self under siege (Rick Roderick, 1993) (1949-2002) (2022-9-28)
The Teaching Company series[edit]
- "Philosophy and Human Values", 1990
- "Nietzsche and the Post-Modern Condition", 1991
- "Self under Siege - Philosophy in the 20th Century", 1993
- "Mill on Liberty", guest lecture from "The Great Minds of Western Intellectual Tradition" (1st ed), Part IV, Philosophy in the Epoch of Ideology, 2000
瘋狂的地方 (2022-9-28)
心理治療和文本的關係 (2022-9-28)
心理治療和打炮 (2022-9-28)
王子和公主從此幸福快活的生活了一輩子 (2022-9-28)
治療者對人生的理解 (2022-9-28)
The Life and Times of Franz Alexander: From Budapest To California (2018) (2022-9-28) (accessible via Z library)
Q: Was Franz Alexander influenced by Sandor Ferenczi, since he proposed “corrective emotional experience” ?
Psychotherapy in Corrections: A Supportive Approach (APPI, 2022)
Now, the point is “supportive”, nothing but supportive. In other words, what’s left to do in hell, but being supportive ?