Penrose hypothesizes that:
- Human consciousness is non-algorithmic, and thus is not capable of being modelled by a conventional Turing machine type of digital computer.
- Quantum mechanics plays an essential role in the understanding of human consciousness; specifically, he believes that microtubules within neuronssupport quantum superpositions.
- The objective collapse of the quantum wavefunction of the microtubules is critical for consciousness.
- The collapse in question is physical behaviour that is non-algorithmic and transcends the limits of computability.
- The human mind has abilities that no Turing machine could possess because of this mechanism of non-computable physics.
如果,人的大腦,不能歸約為電腦的計算 (computation),人,不能歸約為演算法 (algorithm),生命,比計算和演算,多了一點什麼,的那一點什麼,是什麼,