Wednesday, August 30, 2023

what's the big difference between lacan and the post-structuralists (alenka zupancic) (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)

"... what is unique in Lacanian theory [...] is that differently from most of these other post structuralist theories, which more or less, I am simplifying little bit, still hold that the subject is simply an effect of the structure, that is to say, of some fundamentally non-subjective process, and as such we can more or less do without it. In Lacan there is a big difference, it's not simply that the subject is the effect of the structure, [the subject] is actually the name of the lack, or contradiction or gap in this structure. So the idea is quite different, and this means that the subject is not quite the same as subjectivation as this kind of richness of life experience [...] it points to the fact that the symbolic structure is not simply consistent ... or 'all'. If it were consistent of all then it wouldn't even produce a subject [in the first place.]." From: Zvuk misli #2 - Subject and (post)truth: psychoanalysis and philosophy; Guest: Alenka Zupančič