Thursday, June 6, 2024

Kelvin (克耳文)

單位為克耳文(K)。 若T代表物體的絕對溫度,t代表物體的攝氏溫度,則T=t+273.15。 一度K的溫度變化與1℃的溫度變化相同。 絕對零度(0K)等於-273.15℃是所有溫度的最低下限,在此溫度下,氣體的壓力及體積均為零。

The kelvin, symbol K, is the base unit of measurement for temperature in the International System of Units (SI). The Kelvin scale is an absolute temperature scalethat starts from 0 K, the coldest possible temperature (absolute zero), then rises by exactly 1 K for each 1 °C.[1][2][3][4] The Kelvin scale was designed to be easily convertedfrom the Celsius scale (symbol °C). Any temperature in degrees Celsius can be converted to kelvin by adding 273.15.[1][5]