Thursday, June 6, 2024

Why some neutron stars do not evolve to become black hole? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-6)

Not all neutron stars evolve into black holes due to a combination of factors involving their mass, rotational speed, and external influences. Here are the main reasons why some neutron stars do not become black holes:

1. **Mass**: The primary factor determining whether a neutron star will become a black hole is its mass. There is a critical mass threshold, known as the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff (TOV) limit, beyond which a neutron star can no longer support itself against gravitational collapse. This limit is estimated to be around 2 to 3 solar masses. Neutron stars with masses below this limit remain stable and do not collapse into black holes.

2. **Rotational Speed**: Neutron stars often spin rapidly due to the conservation of angular momentum from their progenitor stars. This rapid rotation provides additional centrifugal support against gravitational collapse. As a result, a neutron star can remain stable at a higher mass than it could if it were not rotating. Over time, if the neutron star loses rotational energy through processes such as electromagnetic radiation or interactions with a companion star, it may become less stable, but this process can take a long time.

3. **Magnetic Fields**: Neutron stars have extremely strong magnetic fields, which can influence their stability and evolution. These magnetic fields can create additional pressure that helps support the neutron star against collapse. However, over time, the magnetic field may decay, potentially affecting the neutron star's stability.

4. **Accretion and Binary Systems**: In binary systems, a neutron star can accrete matter from a companion star. If the accretion of matter increases the neutron star's mass beyond the TOV limit, it can potentially collapse into a black hole. However, if the accretion rate is slow or if the companion star does not provide enough mass, the neutron star can remain below the critical mass threshold and stay stable.

5. **Equation of State**: The equation of state (EOS) of neutron star matter, which describes how matter behaves at extremely high densities, plays a crucial role in determining the maximum mass a neutron star can support. Different EOS models predict different maximum masses for neutron stars. The exact nature of the EOS for neutron star matter is still an area of active research.

In summary, the fate of a neutron star depends on its mass, rotational speed, magnetic fields, and interactions with its environment. Those with masses below the critical threshold remain stable as neutron stars, while those exceeding it may eventually collapse into black holes.