Wednesday, August 2, 2023

8/2/23 桃榮演講 (RP)


        (RP) (relational psychoanalysis)




1.   「解釋架構重心的移轉」,從一人心理學 (one person psychology),到二人心理學 (two person psychology) 的光譜,

       精神分析簡史 (key word) (year)

   (1)  Id psychology (it) (<1923)

   (2)  Ego Psychology (ego) (1923>)

   (3)  Object Relations Theories (object) (1930-1970)

              . Kleinians (Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion)

      . Middle School (The Independent School) (D. W. Winnicott, W. R. D.Fairbairn,

          Harry Guntrip, Michael Balint)

      . Attachment Theory (John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth, Mary Main)

   (4)  Self Psychology (Heinz Kohut) (self) (1968-1981)

      . Intersubjectivity Theory (Robert Stolorow, George Atwood, Donna Orange,

          Bernard Brandchaft)

            . Specificity Theory (Howard Bacal)

            . Relational Self Psychology (Estelle Shane)

            . Intersubjective Self Psychology (George Hagman)

    . Back to History: History flows through us (Thomas Kohut, Roger Frie)

    (5)  Relational Psychoanalysis (Stephen Mitchell, Lewis Aron) (relationality) (1983>)

    (6)  Lacanians (language) (1953-1980)

    (7)  Interface with neuroscience (brain) (1990>)

            . Neuropsychoanalysis (Mark Solms)

            . Interpersonal Neurobiology (Allan Schore, Daniel Siegel)

    (8)  Schizoanalysis (Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari) (event) (1972>)


回顧 (2) (3) (4) (5),遂可將之,置於一 (一人心理學) (one person psychology),至二 (二人心理學) (two person psychology) 的光譜,如下,Ego psychology 1.0 - 1.2Kleinian 1.0 - 1.2Middle school 1.5Self psychology 1.5Attachment theory 1.5Intersubjectivity 1.7Relational psychoanalysis 2.0


2.   關係學派精神分析 (RPrelational psychoanalysis),趨向二人心理學的典範轉移,作為一個容納百川的大雨傘,強調「關係」(Relationality)


3.   RP 強調,互相性 (mutuality),事件性 (enactment),他者性 (otherness)


4.   M / E (Mutuality / Enactment): 治療的溢越 (therapeutic excess) 的關鍵


作為概念,m / e,可以分而論之,但是實情是,事件當下,它們是一起發生的,比如說,打麻將,你可以打正常的四人麻將,這個時候,你會說三缺一,你也可以打二人麻將,這個時候,牌大輸贏大,特別過癮,但是不管四人還是二人,你都不是一個人,或一個人看著另一個人,打麻將,這個四或二,就是 mutuality ,這個打,就是 enactment ,再者,m / e,須以「場」(field)  視之 (意思是說,麻雀館就是賭場),這分明是混沌系統,要求我們,要有 complexity sensibility


5.   他者 (other) 和客體 (object),是不同的,


6.   關係學派的兩個祖師爺,Harry Stack SullivanSandor Ferenczi


7.   Sullivanflawed participant observerambivalent toward psychoanalysisinterpersonal psychiatry (turned into interpersonal psychoanalysisvia Erich Fromm and Clara Thompson's help)WAWI 的法脈,


8.   Ferenczilate 1920s to early 1930sactive techniquemutual analysis (R.N.)confusion of tonguesrevive the seduction hypothesisBudapest 學派的,沒有圍牆的校園的,像橡樹一般的法脈,


9.   三個議題,互為主體性理論 (Jessica Benjaminbeyond Doer and Done tomoral third),臨床理論 (Jon Mill's critiquetherapeutic excess),社會行動 (Philip Cushman's complimentintersectionality)


10.   Debates and self critiqueused to be anti developmental tiltused to be heroine excesspick up Winnicott again (Joyce SlochowerRobert Grossmark)


11.   Further developmentfield theory (Donnel Stern)mutuality (Anthony Bass)inyersubjectivity (Jessica Benjamin)analyst's subjectivity (Steven KuchuckKaren Maroda)pros and cons of enactmentRSP (relational self psycholog) (Estelle Shane)