Monday, August 14, 2023

Making sense of Lacan (Lacan)

關鍵是其「內在邏輯」 (inner logic),尤其是 1953-1980 ,那將近卅年的 seminars 的內在邏輯,以及這個內在邏輯,是怎麼與其外在世界互動的,意思是說,這個內在邏輯,不是憑空發生,而是在 1930-1980 那五十年的變化中發生,你可以說,這個內在邏輯,是被逼出來的,把握住這個內在邏輯,你就可以 make sense of 拉岡,

This is of necessity a partial and limited study. At one level, the limitations reflect the fragmentary nature of the corpus available for research. It is improbable that any full account of Lacan will be written until the Seminar is available in something approaching its entirety, and as only six of the promised twenty-six volumes have been published, it is unlikely that that account will be written in the near future. (Lacan in Context, David Macey, 1988, p. xi) 


1120816,我想,拉岡把他的 Seminars ,當成超寫實的演出,