Cartography is the science of making maps and reading maps. Cartography lets you know how to make maps based on location, distances, angles, scale, legend, etc… and lets you know how to read maps correctly and know your location or any location by reading the map.
Topography is the study of the shape and features of land surfaces. The topography of an area could refer to the surface shapes and features themselves, or a description.
That means that cartography is part of the topography.
Difference Between Topology and Topography
Topology and topography are two words that are commonly misused by many English speakers. Although these two words sound alike, they have very different meanings. Topology is concerned with the geometrical properties and spatial relations that are unaffected by the continuous change of shape or size of figures. Topography is concerned with the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area. The key difference between topology and topography is that topology is a field in mathematics whereas topography is a field in geography.
拉岡玩的是 topology,Guattari 玩的是 cartography,前者是數學,後者是地理學,
拉岡玩了兩次,第一次是語言作為結構,第二次是拓樸學作為蛋白質,Guattari 不想重複拉岡的語言結構,也不想效顰其拓樸學,所以玩起地圖 (特別要注意,他的塗鴉和眉批),尤其是分裂分析的那種,你要理解,那種地圖,就是殘篇,就是尋寶故事,你只見碎片一角,卻要拼湊想像,越過地平線,找到一個消失的帝國,
你要理解,現象學的方法是,借助語言,描述生活經驗 (lived experience) ,基本上,這是一個抒情的誠意,
一般說法,地圖處理的是空間,意思是說,歷史處理的是時間,意思是說,「歷史的地圖」(自然地理 + 人文地理),處理的才是,時間和空間,