Monday, September 16, 2024



 Now, Molly is dead, and Gray hid the key in the shoe box. Now, Gray’s files are safely kept in the barbershop. So far, Reacher has not sensed the danger of espionage, and has not wondered why they had always been one step later than the two hired Latino killers. Now, Reacher is doing surveillance over the warehouses. 

車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life) (自由) (2025)

據說 Taiwan Vanlife 如是,

看起來,台灣人對于 van life 的想像是,有輪子的,生活機能齊備的套房,攜家帶眷,每到一地,留下不少垃圾,


Mr Chrome / 石炳鋒,住在車上,四處移動,Tabi 拖著小木屋,一個人煮飯,Chad 砍柴生火,挑戰車子的極限,與之亦無關,





五百公尺,不是五公里,不是五百公里 (流浪的下限),























Sunday, September 15, 2024

Prewired for Depression? Brain Network Significantly Larger in People with Depression, Even in Childhood

Using a novel brain-mapping technique, researchers found that the frontostriatal salience network was expanded nearly twofold in the brains of most individuals studied with depression compared with controls.

Precision functional mapping is a relatively new approach to brain mapping in individuals that uses large amounts of fMRI data from hours of scans per person. The technique has been used to show differences in brain networks between and in healthy individuals but had not been used to study brain networks in people with depression.

The promise of precision functional mapping for neuroimaging in psychiatry (2024)

Precision Functional Mapping of Individual Human Brains (2017)

10 Amazing Things You Can Do With Apple Intelligence On Your IPhone

Saturday, September 14, 2024

車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life) (negativity vs vitality)










Gray must have known something, otherwise he would not be hung last February. Don’t forget that Gray was the only white man to patronize that barbershop. In other words, Margrave is the product of two evils, one is the old evil of the Teals, another is the new evil of the Kliners. 








Now, R & R are going to meet Picard at the Atlanta FBI bureau. This one is good, because there are numerous enough characters and foreshadowings.






There were three dead bodies in the trunk of that Buick abandoned by Reacher in the long-term parking lot of the Atlanta international airport. 


Now, Reacher is going to lose Molly. What a stupid third world airport! 


蔡壁如說人人(尤其她自己)都是編劇導演 (車行形上學)(metaphysics of van life)

柯文哲則當然是臨時演員 (之一),周星馳在喜劇之王一開始,就跟一群垂頭喪氣的喪屍說,臨時演員也是演員,光天化日的喪屍,也要專業敬業,另,當今電影,為何不好看,就是因為編劇無能,塑造出有趣的角色,換句話說,存在治療最大難題,就在于如何讓存在,成為「有趣的角色的有趣的作品」,你要理解,創作者苦苦尋找的,就是有趣的角色,然後跟那個角色,一起老死,比如說,Lee Child 和 Jack Reacher,走過過去卅年,意思是說,近年 Lee Child 掛名,實為其胞弟所寫的,已非 Jack Reacher,以上說明,每個角色,都有其冒險的一生,以至每個創作者,亦有其冒險的一生,生有時盡,兩者遂無遺憾,

The Disturbing Sexual Trend With Real Health Consequences

Netherlands House of Representatives resolution calls for Taiwan’s representation in the UN

荷蘭國會通過動議 拒絕中國扭曲聯大第2758號決議

Guattari Beyond Deleuze Ontology and Modal Philosophy in Guattari's Major Writings (2024)

9/14/24(星期六)(車行形上學)(metaphysics of van life)



Now, you see, Reacher has had quite a few fucks with Roscoe, including the Alabama post-Pond one. 

戲劇性的關鍵在轉折,抒情的關鍵在,等待轉折的幾乎放棄等待,意思是說,等待 (包括果陀),和幾乎放棄等待,就是抒情,

11:38 AM,落雨,柯文哲說,沈慶京 1500 ,不是下午三點,是一千五百顆虛擬貨幣,王定宇說,洗錢斷點,在澳門賭場,

Now, they are back from Alabama and found Roscoe’s home invaded. They are fighting back, at 1:30 PM, Reacher is going to call Molly. 


Friday, September 13, 2024

人生的戲劇性 (車行形上學)(metaphysics of van life)




戲劇性就是,必然的偶然,偶然的必然,意思是說,就是某種呈現的準確性 (precision),以至于某種詮釋的不容商量性,


戲劇性,也體現在,某個抒情的瞬間,比如說,雀聖 (2005),癡傻阿旺,外賣窯子,驚見雪兒,雪兒掩門,不忍見之,悲泣墜樓,阿旺傍屍,路邊大吃,這短短一分鐘,就是王晶留給香港電影的高峰經驗,就是抒情的瞬間,



Prescription Amphetamines Pose Dose-Dependent Risk for First-Time Psychosis or Mania




郭正亮說,沈慶京不會做污點證人,會做污點證人的污點證人,Now, so, the killing floor is the Morrisons’ house. So far, Reacher cannot find Hubble yet. You see, Hubble held the key to the secret of Pluribus. 菩薩畏因,凡夫畏果,共匪畏中國人民,匪諜畏蔣介石,

傅崐萁奉命關切鍾小平要鍾小平停止揭發柯文哲貪污弊案 (車行形上學)(metaphysics of van life)




Q4,2025 奔自由而去,其題遂為,車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life),你要理解,車行者,行矣,非(車)泊,非(車)炮,意思是說,形上學起于(形下之)行,泊炮與形上無關,比如說,色受想行識,照見五蘊皆空,照見就是形上,

Q5,昨夜診,笑跟某君說,汝所難決,實為存在之兩難 (existential dilemma),這件事很有趣,




Thursday, September 12, 2024



國台辦說包子製毒投毒 so what


國台辦小屁孩發言人,用捲舌的中文說 (這個現象很有趣,你要理解,大內密探零零發,去妓院嫖琴操的時候,就是用捲舌功),柯文哲的貪污,就共匪趙家人的貪污規格 (萬億美元起跳)而言,是九牛一毛,實在不需小題大作,

車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life)

為什麼 AI 合成美女,都是超級大波,習近平說李克強是韓正殺的,112 今明後,鳥的祖先是恐龍,Is bird’s ancestry dinosaurs? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-12) Yes, birds are considered the modern descendants of dinosaurs. Specifically, they evolved from a group of small, feathered theropod dinosaurs, which are the same group that includes well-known species like Velociraptors and Tyrannosaurus Rex. This evolutionary link is supported by fossil evidence showing similarities in skeletal structure, feathers, and other features. The discovery of fossils like *Archaeopteryx* provided a clear transitional form, showing traits of both dinosaurs and modern birds. So, birds are often referred to as "living dinosaurs."


知道自己知道 (小草)(習近平)

知道自己不知道 (蘇格拉底)

不知道自己知道 (柯文哲)

不知道自己不知道 (失智前的船子和尚)

Karl Popper (1902-1994)

Popper is known for his rejection of the classical inductivist views on the scientific method in favour of empirical falsification. According to Popper, a theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified, meaning that it can (and should) be scrutinised with decisive experiments

problem of induction (歸納的問題性)

The problem of induction is a philosophicalproblem that questions the rationality of predictions about unobserved things based on previous observations. These inferences from the observed to the unobserved are known as "inductive inferences". David Hume, who first formulated the problem in 1739,[1] argued that there is no non-circular way to justify inductive inferences, while acknowledging that everyone does and must make such inferences.[2]

Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography (1976)

The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism (with Sir John C. Eccles), 1977, ISBN 0415058988

Karl Popper has indicted Freud's psychoanalytic theory as a non-falsifiable pseudo-science or myth (Popper 1963, chapter 1 ). And he has claimed that traditional inductive methods of theory-validation do accord good scientific credentials to psychoanalysis.

Is Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory Pseudo-Scientific By Karl Popper's Criterion of Demarcation? 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life)

Now, Reacher is in the barbershop, and the older black barber tells him the story of Blind Blake. You see, his elder sister used to sing with Blake, in those way back days. Now, Finlay found the second body, named Sherman, and they are heading for the morgue. I think Reacher is going to find out that Joe was the first victim soon. 

David Chapmen

9/11/24 (星期三)





自由的相對,是被鎖鏈 (chained),關鍵詞是被,尤其心 (不)甘情(不)願那種,

成癮意在絕爽,變態意在原創,有趣的是,絕爽只能不爽,原創其實山寨,意思是說,中國的定義,就是不爽的山寨,台灣的定義,就是還沒有爽夠的山不成其為寨,意思是說,車行者既有其形上學,成癮者變態者,自亦有其形上學,聽住,是形上學,非症狀學病因學治療學,意思是說,德勒茲講症狀學的優先性,其實比症狀學更優先的是形上學,意思是說,形上學的優先性,優先于,症狀學的優先性,有趣的是,海公喜說,形上學的末路,意思是說,形上學已走到路的盡頭,有點像阿甘跑到聖塔莫尼卡碼頭的盡頭,看著大海,未幾轉身,意思是說,來到路的盡頭者必轉身,那個轉身的瞬間,我們遂稱之為形上學的墮落,墮落就是卡繆筆下,阿姆斯特丹的墮落,你要理解,要來到那個人間地獄的墮落,你必須歷經異鄉人薛西弗斯瘟疫反抗,和 Tipasa 的大海陽光,

Now, back to Reacher in that bathroom, ‘My assumption was they’d come to recruit me.’

你信沈慶京,打點上下,總共只花,四點三億嗎,你要理解,這只是分給小咖們的零花錢,你見不到的是用虛擬貨幣,洗出去境外銀行,給大咖的四十三億,意思是說,我們先前說過,貪污的神奇數字 (magic number) 是 10%,意思是說,拿出獲利總額的 10%,論功行賞,大咖拿其中的 90%,小咖們共拿,剩下的 10%,

剛剛突然知道,只有人類,才有犯罪,才有戰爭,才有監獄,才有精神分析,才有金融詐騙,才有形上學,才有 A 片,才有刺青,才有咖啡,才有加油站,才有便利商店,才有監獄,才有罪惡,才有燒餅油條,才有文字作為鎖鏈,才有系統作為箝制,意思是說,大象鯨魚烏蠅蜜蜂,沒有犯罪學,沒有監獄,etc,etc,etc,

Now, Reacher and Hubble were in the jail for the weekend, and they are going out now. 

Now, Reacher was escorted back to Margrave with Roscoe, who had sent the prints of the dead guy’s, no result so far, so Reacher doesn’t know it was Joe yet. 

Cerebrospinal fluid flow extends to peripheral nerves further unifying the nervous system

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


這件事韓國瑜郭正亮蔡正元黃珊珊不會告訴你,柯文哲忙著數鈔票,也不會告訴你,馬英九喜歡去慈湖謁陵,蔣中正經國告訴他很多次,跪久了要站起來遛遛,遛遛就是 D&G 走進公園散步,散步就是自由,自由就是反共,反共就是殺光共匪匪諜,正確的說,魯迅說過,殺光共匪匪諜,你才有公園才有權利才有散步的 befindlichkeit ,

Now, Reacher is in the bathroom, and finds himself surrounded by five big ugly nazie bikers. 

The “Here and Now” of French Psychoanalysis: Conversations with Contemporary Psychoanalysts (2024) (accessible via Perlego)

Critique and Affirmation in Erich Fromm: Humanistic Politics and the Psychoanalytic Clinic (2024) (accessible via Perlego)

Monday, September 9, 2024

車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life)



Dialog-on-Freud (5 books)

The Death Drive: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis) (Rossella Valdrè, 2024) (accessible via Perlego)

See also 

Psychoanalytic Reflections on The Freudian Death Drive: In Theory, the Clinic, and Art (Rossella Valdrè, 2018)

See also 


昨已落髮,遂續為寇,除周二,一日不過二事,你要理解,土地公和白梅,是乾淨明亮的關係,昨跟  D 君說,安眠藥使用節制,就是為此,乾淨明亮,意思是說,逢坎遭難,未幾坎過,遂續前行,不必沾黏,

你要理解,神秘就是洗碗,洗碗就是神秘,意思是說,神秘不是,滿天神佛,裝神弄鬼,既然昨日,已去家樂福狗老闆,明日遂可不赴,K 自稱狂人,自封為神,貢高我慢,TBR 說 K 無所不貪,是稀有動物,大家要愛護他,MJ 黨無信仰,KM 黨則有信仰,專門舔共媚匪,小林說,共匪商務部衛健委剛剛發公告,開放外國生技公司投資,共匪為盜取生科技術,提供中國人民,隨便作人體實驗,

Now, Paul Hubble confessed that he killed the tall and shaved guy. Now, Reacher and Hubble are going to be sent to the prison, which means trap. Now, Reacher just beats the fat boy, and becomes a celebrity among the lifers. Now, Hubble is going to confess to Reacher, yet Reacher still doesn’t know the murdered victim was Joe.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Precision Psychiatry Is Here

metaphysics of van life (自由)(2025)

I felt like I had to give him some kind of an answer. But I couldn’t think of anything. I had been in the service since the day I was born. Now I was out. Being out felt great. Felt like freedom. Like all my life I’d had a slight headache. Not noticing until it was gone. My only problem was making a living. How to make a living without giving up the freedom was not an easy trick. I hadn’t earned a cent in six months. That was my only problem. But I wasn’t about to tell Finlay that. He’d see it as a motive. (Killing Floor, Chapter 2)

To calm down, I ran music through my head. The chorus in “Smokestack Lightning.” The Howling Wolf version puts a wonderful strangled cry on the end of the first line. They say you need to ride the rails for a while to understand the traveling blues. They’re wrong. To understand the traveling blues you need to be locked down somewhere. In a cell. Or in the army. Someplace where you’re caged. Someplace where smokestack lightning looks like a faraway beacon of impossible freedom. (ibid, Chapter 2)

Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis (32 books) (2024-9-8)

Agentic AI: The Next Big Breakthrough That's Transforming Business And Technology

9/8/24 (星期日)

恆 (constancy),幻象矣,恆,實為 (恆)動,只是你無法察覺,或希望察覺不了,其動,第一個一千個日子結束時,據說孩子第一次相信,客體之恆,乃至自體之恆,Winnocott 說,能信幻象,是健康的,健康的孩子,遂帶著兩個對于幻象的相信,走進幼兒園,此事件,是莫大驚悚神秘動作片,卻通常被視為喜劇,以上說明,恆在一千,意思是說,你只要重複一千次,你就相信,一千零一,的存在,

你要理解,動物之為動物,關鍵在動,而且往往,動個不停,你去看油管,風景之背景音樂視頻,不管那是海浪拍岸,湖泊溪流,還是陋巷滴雨,未幾,你必無聊,理由就在于,少了動物,意思是說,生命呈現,在其力動,或更正確的說,在于力動,與(無法察覺的)恆 (動)之間的併存對比,之比例,

我先前說過,毛澤東鬥爭殺人,比例 5%,你必須承認,毛是一個傑出的數學直覺家,一般說來,常態分布,左右兩極,就是 5%,意思是說,左側趙家人 5%,右側反革命 5%,意思是說,改變歷史的,就是那右側 5%,左右中間那 90%,自欺欺人,偷安苟且,與改變歷史無關,意思是說,歷史之力動,在于百分之五的人民起義,



我相信,應曉薇是一個嚮往竹林的決鬥俠女,黃珊珊則是一個城府深沈的政治掮客,你要理解,RAV4 後行李箱,八百六十公升,Vitality 就是「生機力動」,我見過,一隻鳥悲悽,

Now, Finlay just called the mysterious phone number, which was hidden in the dead man’s shoes, and found that it was Paul Hubble in town. Now, Roscoe brought a cup of coffee to Reacher, which made him like her, including her tits of course. You see, it is such stranger’s kindness that makes our meaningless life almost bearable. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

9/7/24 (星期六)

Now, Reacher is talking to Finlay, the Boston cop who was transferred to Margrave six months ago. Now, you see, 李炳輝今年七十五歲,中風兩次,只怕已玩不動手風琴,繼續流浪淡水,金門王廿年前,四十九歲過世,嘎然而止,反倒像是上天恩賜,你要理解,這是素人音樂家,走唱淡水茶室,聽著鶯鶯燕燕,無盡微醺黑夜,我希望,有人出手,照顧他的晚年,你要理解,幾杯燒酒,舒緩神經,是海海人生,幾乎唯一的暫時快樂的可能,你要理解,這是卑微的人生,但是,這是不屈的靈魂,

純粹及其不滿 (negativity vs vitality)


Isn’t anorexia pursuit of purity?


Isn't fundamentalism pursuit of purity?

Isn't pursuit of purity delusional?


Isn't pursuit of purity compulsive and addictive? 





Friday, September 6, 2024

Under suspicion (1991)

The Beekeeper (2024)

Negativity vs Vitality

說說 Negativity,

Negativity 的本質,就是自戀,就是瞋怒,





What’s the relationship between Sanxingdui Ruins and Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-6)

The **Sanxingdui Ruins**, located in Sichuan province, represent one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in China, revealing an advanced and highly developed culture that existed in the region around the same time as the **Xia**, **Shang**, and early **Zhou dynasties**. However, the relationship between Sanxingdui and these dynasties remains somewhat unclear due to the distinctiveness of the Sanxingdui culture and the scarcity of written records from that period. Here’s a look at the relationship between the Sanxingdui civilization and the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties:

### **1. Chronology and Coexistence:**

The Sanxingdui civilization is believed to have thrived between **1200 BCE and 1000 BCE**, during the late Shang dynasty and early Zhou dynasty periods. This places Sanxingdui in a period of overlapping with the later phases of the **Shang dynasty** (c. 1600–1046 BCE), and possibly the early **Western Zhou dynasty** (1046–771 BCE). Its earlier phases may even have coincided with the **Xia dynasty** (c. 2070–1600 BCE), though the historical existence of the Xia is still debated due to the lack of definitive archaeological evidence.

- **Xia Dynasty**: The Xia dynasty is the first traditionally recorded dynasty of China, but its existence is often considered semi-legendary. Sanxingdui's earlier phases could theoretically overlap with the later Xia period, but no direct connections have been established between the two.

- **Shang Dynasty**: During the Shang dynasty, a highly developed culture existed in central China, with the Shang capital near modern-day Anyang. The Shang are famous for their bronze work, oracle bones, and centralized kingship. Sanxingdui, though contemporary with the Shang, shows an **independent** cultural development. Its distinctive bronze sculptures, masks, and other artifacts suggest that the Sanxingdui civilization was not directly controlled by the Shang but developed along its own trajectory.

- **Zhou Dynasty**: The Zhou dynasty, which overthrew the Shang around 1046 BCE, represents the transition to the feudal system in ancient China. The decline of the Sanxingdui civilization is often thought to coincide with the rise of the Western Zhou dynasty. However, there is no direct evidence of conflict or integration between the Zhou and the Sanxingdui culture.

### **2. Cultural Differences and Distinctiveness:**

The **Sanxingdui culture** stands out for its unique art and religious artifacts, most notably its large bronze masks, sculptures, and trees. These items, found in large sacrificial pits, are unlike anything seen in the **Shang** or **Zhou** cultures.

- **Bronze Artistry**: While the Shang dynasty is also known for its advanced bronze work, the bronzes from Sanxingdui differ significantly in style and function. The Shang bronzes are more utilitarian, often being vessels for ritual use, while the Sanxingdui bronzes are more symbolic and elaborate, representing mythological creatures and large human-like figures.

- **Religious and Ritual Practices**: The religious symbols and sacrificial practices of the Sanxingdui people, as suggested by the excavated materials, seem to have followed their own distinct traditions. The large and highly stylized bronze masks, some with protruding eyes or exaggerated features, suggest the worship of different deities or spirits compared to the Shang's reverence for ancestors and nature spirits.

- **Absence of Writing**: Unlike the Shang, who left behind a system of writing on **oracle bones**, no written records have been found at Sanxingdui. This makes understanding the political and social structure of the Sanxingdui culture more difficult and hampers the establishment of a clearer relationship between Sanxingdui and the Shang or Zhou dynasties.

### **3. Possible Interaction or Isolation:**

The nature of the relationship between Sanxingdui and the dynasties of central China—Xia, Shang, and Zhou—remains speculative. Several theories attempt to explain the nature of this relationship:

- **Cultural Exchange**: It is possible that there was **limited contact** or **trade** between Sanxingdui and the Shang dynasty, but no conclusive evidence supports this theory. Some similarities in bronze-making techniques may indicate shared knowledge or parallel development, but the two cultures remained distinct in style and practice.

- **Geographic Isolation**: Sanxingdui’s location in the Sichuan Basin suggests that it may have been geographically and politically **isolated** from the core of Shang and Zhou power, which was concentrated in the Central Plains (modern-day Henan and Shaanxi). The surrounding mountains and rivers could have acted as natural barriers, limiting direct interaction between these cultures.

- **Parallel Development**: Given its distinct material culture and lack of direct written records, many scholars suggest that Sanxingdui represents a case of **parallel development**—a civilization that evolved independently from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, but during the same time period. This theory posits that the Sanxingdui civilization followed its own path, with little or no direct influence from the Shang or Zhou dynasties.

### **4. Decline and Connection with the Ba and Shu States:**

The **Sanxingdui culture** seems to have suddenly declined or disappeared around 1000 BCE. This is around the same time that the **Shu state**, which later appears in historical records during the Warring States period (475–221 BCE), emerged in the Sichuan region. Some scholars hypothesize that the **Sanxingdui people** may have migrated or transformed into the **Shu culture**, which maintained a regional identity distinct from the Zhou dynasty.

The **Ba and Shu states** were both located in Sichuan and were eventually conquered by the **Qin state** during the Warring States period. These states may have been cultural or political successors to the Sanxingdui civilization, though much remains speculative due to limited evidence.

### **Conclusion:**

While the Sanxingdui civilization coexisted with the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, it remained distinct in terms of its culture, religious practices, and possibly political organization. Its relationship with these dynasties was likely one of **parallel development**, with little direct interaction. The artifacts from Sanxingdui suggest an advanced, independent culture with its own artistic and religious expressions, which have yet to be fully understood or connected with the broader narrative of Chinese history during that period.

Is Sanxingdui Ruins part of Chinese civilization? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-7)

The relationship between the **Sanxingdui Ruins** and **Chinese civilization** is a subject of ongoing debate among historians and archaeologists. While the Sanxingdui civilization existed within what is now the borders of modern China, it appears to have developed **independently** from the early civilizations of the **Central Plains** (such as the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties) that are typically considered the core of **Chinese civilization**.

### Key Considerations:

1. **Geographical and Cultural Independence**:

   - The **Sanxingdui Ruins** are located in **Sichuan province**, which is geographically distant from the heartland of early Chinese civilization in the Central Plains, where the **Shang** and **Zhou** dynasties emerged. Sanxingdui seems to have developed its own distinct cultural practices, religious symbols, and artistic traditions, as evidenced by its unique bronze artifacts, masks, and figurines.

   - While the **Shang dynasty** (1600–1046 BCE) was flourishing in the Central Plains, the Sanxingdui culture was thriving in the Sichuan Basin. There is no definitive evidence of direct political or cultural influence from the Shang or Zhou dynasties on Sanxingdui, although both existed contemporaneously.

2. **Distinctiveness of Sanxingdui Culture**:

   - The material culture uncovered at Sanxingdui, particularly its **bronze masks**, **human statues**, and **ritual objects**, differs significantly from those of the Shang and Zhou cultures. This suggests that the Sanxingdui people had their own religious and political systems, which were distinct from the ancestor worship and divination practices of the Shang.

   - Unlike the Shang, who left behind **oracle bones** and early forms of **Chinese writing**, there is no evidence that the Sanxingdui culture used writing, further indicating its separation from the development of early Chinese script and record-keeping.

3. **Integration into Chinese Civilization**:

   - While Sanxingdui is geographically part of what is now China, its relationship to what is traditionally considered **Chinese civilization** is complex. Sanxingdui's apparent isolation and distinct cultural traits suggest it was an independent civilization. However, it likely played a role in the broader development of cultures in southern and southwestern China, particularly influencing the later **Shu Kingdom** in Sichuan, which was eventually incorporated into the Chinese empire during the **Qin dynasty** (221–206 BCE).

   - Over time, many peripheral regions, including the Sichuan Basin, became more integrated into the expanding Chinese civilization, especially during the **Han dynasty** (206 BCE – 220 CE). The incorporation of these diverse cultures contributed to the richness and complexity of what we now call Chinese civilization.

4. **Modern Perspectives**:

   - From a modern perspective, the **Sanxingdui culture** is often considered part of the broader mosaic of early civilizations that emerged within the geographical area that is now China. While it may not have directly contributed to the **Han-centric narrative** of Chinese civilization, it is increasingly recognized as an important part of China’s ancient heritage.

   - The discoveries at Sanxingdui challenge earlier assumptions that early Chinese civilization was solely centered in the Yellow River valley and highlight the complexity and diversity of cultures that existed in ancient China.

### Conclusion:

The **Sanxingdui Ruins** represent a **distinct** and advanced culture that coexisted with early Chinese civilizations like the Shang and Zhou but developed independently, particularly in terms of art, religion, and social organization. While Sanxingdui may not have been directly connected to the early **Chinese civilization** of the Central Plains, it existed within what is now China and is increasingly recognized as part of the broader **cultural and historical heritage** of the region.

In modern times, Sanxingdui is considered an important chapter in China's ancient history, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the diversity and complexity of early civilizations in East Asia. However, its direct influence on the development of what we typically refer to as "Chinese civilization"—centered around the dynasties of the Central Plains—remains limited and somewhat ambiguous.




首先你要理解,人類基因,與大猩猩相異,只有 1.2%,且有 60%,與香蕉相同,意思是說,你我之構造藍圖,其中 60%,就是道地香蕉,意思是說,你我見到香蕉,就像見到看著自己長大的舅舅,見到猩猩,就像見到一起長大的表哥,反之,見到包子匪諜,就像見到百分之六十的香蕉 (你要理解,陽具酷似香蕉,不是沒有理由的),既然香蕉,與人如此近似,烏蠅蜜蜂,與人同源,沒有 90%,至少 80%,這是為什麼,我反覆說過,烏蠅蜜蜂,你要疼惜,事實上是,一切眾生,你都要疼惜,匆匆一年矣,柯文哲的過去十年 (9/5/14 ~ 9/5/24),全聯香皂,阿里山衫林溪,皆為想像,系統之所以繁複,意在箝制自由,你要理解,此生逆境多矣,意思是說,不畏再多幾樁,中國人砸鍋賣鐵餓臥大街,包子撒幣三千六百億美金,有趣的是,非洲阿里不拉國王說,他只收到共匪三十六元美金,

Healing the Fractured Mind: A Revolutionary Method for Treating Addiction and Other Disorders (2024)

Emerging Adulthood A Psychodynamic Approach to the New Developmental Phase of the 21st Century (2024)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The demarcation between Homo sapiens and the other animals is the autonoetic consciousness, can we say that since the advent of the autonoetic consciousness, Homo sapiens have further developed self-deceptive consciousness, which is exactly the psychoanalysis trying to elucidate? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-5) (negativity vs vitality)

Yes, it is plausible to suggest that the advent of **autonoetic consciousness**—the ability to mentally place oneself in the past, present, and future—has led to the further development of **self-deceptive consciousness** in Homo sapiens, and this is exactly the domain psychoanalysis aims to elucidate.

### **Autonoetic Consciousness and Self-Deception:**

Autonoetic consciousness, as introduced by psychologist Endel Tulving, refers to a type of self-awareness that allows individuals to reflect on their own experiences, plan for the future, and understand themselves in a broader temporal context. This capacity for self-reflection is unique to humans and creates a complex inner world, where individuals can engage in abstract thinking, imagination, and self-conceptualization.

However, this enhanced self-awareness can also lead to the development of psychological mechanisms such as **self-deception**, where individuals construct false beliefs about themselves or their circumstances to avoid uncomfortable truths or cognitive dissonance. Autonoetic consciousness allows humans to reflect on their desires, fears, and inner conflicts, but this also gives rise to the potential for denial, repression, and distortion of reality.

### **Psychoanalysis and Self-Deceptive Consciousness:**

Psychoanalysis, as developed by Sigmund Freud and later expanded by thinkers like Carl Jung and Jacques Lacan, investigates the ways in which unconscious desires, fears, and conflicts shape human behavior and thought. A central concern of psychoanalysis is the role of defense mechanisms, such as repression and projection, which are forms of self-deception. These mechanisms help individuals avoid facing painful emotions or realities that threaten their self-image or sense of control.

According to Freud, much of human suffering and neurosis stems from unconscious drives that individuals cannot fully acknowledge or integrate into their conscious selves. **Self-deception**, in this context, becomes a way of managing the tension between unconscious desires and conscious awareness. By repressing certain thoughts or constructing a more palatable self-image, individuals can avoid the anxiety that comes with confronting the darker or more troubling aspects of their psyche.

### **Evolutionary Perspective:**

From an evolutionary perspective, autonoetic consciousness may have conferred certain adaptive advantages, such as enabling complex social interactions, long-term planning, and problem-solving. However, it also introduced new psychological complexities, such as the capacity for existential anxiety, guilt, and internal conflict. The ability to think about oneself in the abstract inevitably leads to the possibility of **self-deception** as a way to cope with the pressures of social life, morality, and the awareness of death.

In this sense, **self-deceptive consciousness** might be seen as a byproduct of the enhanced self-awareness that comes with autonoetic consciousness. As humans gained the ability to reflect on their own thoughts and behaviors, they also developed the ability to **mask or distort** certain truths about themselves in order to avoid psychological discomfort or social disapproval.

### **Psychoanalytic Elucidation:**

Psychoanalysis seeks to uncover these hidden truths, the self-deceptive mechanisms, and the unconscious forces that influence human behavior. Through techniques such as free association, dream analysis, and the exploration of childhood experiences, psychoanalysis attempts to bring unconscious material to conscious awareness, enabling individuals to confront and resolve the inner conflicts that drive self-deception.

### **Conclusion:**

Yes, it is reasonable to assert that autonoetic consciousness has led to the further development of **self-deceptive consciousness** in Homo sapiens. The complexity of self-awareness brings with it the capacity for self-deception, which psychoanalysis aims to unravel. By examining the ways in which individuals deceive themselves about their motives, desires, and emotions, psychoanalysis seeks to illuminate the unconscious forces that shape human consciousness and behavior.




  • 《明朝那些事兒:第壹部洪武大帝》(舊版名《明朝那些事兒:朱元璋卷》)
  • 《明朝那些事兒:第貳部萬國來朝》(舊版名《明朝那些事兒:貳》)
  • 《明朝那些事兒:第叄部妖孽宮廷》(舊版名《明朝那些事兒:叄》)
  • 《明朝那些事兒:第肆部粉飾太平》(舊版名《明朝那些事兒:肆》)
  • 《明朝那些事兒:第伍部帝國飄搖》(舊版名《明朝那些事兒:伍》)
  • 《明朝那些事兒:第陸部日暮西山》(舊版名《明朝那些事兒:陸》)
  • 《明朝那些事兒:第柒部大結局》(舊版名《明朝那些事兒:大結局》)



·《明朝那些事兒 壹 朱元璋: 從和尚到皇帝》

·《明朝那些事兒 貳 朱棣:逆子還是明君》

·《明朝那些事兒 叄 太監弄亂的王朝》

·《明朝那些事兒 肆 妖孽橫行的宮廷》

·《明朝那些事兒 伍 內閣不相信眼淚》

·《明朝那些事兒 陸 帝國,山雨欲來》

·《明朝那些事兒 柒 拐彎中的帝國》

·《明朝那些事兒 捌 人間再無魏忠賢》

·《明朝那些事兒 玖 1644,最後的較量》


小草劫法場,營救 MG149 貪污犯,寄二信,秋日,仍熱,加減作,無所求,無罣礙,彭振聲提交,救命錄音檔,這件事說明,聲音聽覺,作為存在的証據的重要性,

死之欲之分殊 (negativity vs vitality)

宇宙生成,物的演化,生命演化,意識誕生,至此,Thanatos 無邪;

人類演化,自覺意識誕生,之後,Thanatos 邪惡,


你要理解,當代行賄收賄方法學,不再是苦力搬錢匯錢,而是加密貨幣,境外戶頭,連冠軍買鑽石,假交易送房產,都已落伍,這件事連小學 (沒有畢業) 生習近平都知道,柯沈應珊國昌姑娘館長花花草草會不知道,意思是說,加密貨幣,境外戶頭,就是暗能量暗物質,你知道它在那裡,但是你看不到它在哪裡,此事至此,有一關鍵,未見提及,那就是共匪匪諜,扮演了什麼角色,

Monism (一元論)

Monism and dualism contain each other

Which is more primary, monism or dualism? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-5)

The question of whether monism or dualism is more primary has been a central debate in philosophy for centuries, and the answer depends on the perspective and framework one adopts.

### **Monism:**
Monism is the view that reality is fundamentally one, either in substance or principle. In metaphysics, it is often associated with the idea that all things can be reduced to a single underlying reality or substance. Spinoza's pantheism and certain interpretations of Eastern philosophies, such as Advaita Vedanta, are examples of monism. In such frameworks, diversity and multiplicity are seen as illusory or as manifestations of a singular, unified source.

From the monist perspective, dualism could be considered a secondary or derivative way of understanding the world because the appearance of dualities (e.g., mind and body, subject and object) arises from a fundamental unity. In this view, dualism represents a limited or incomplete understanding of reality, which can only be fully grasped when one recognizes the underlying oneness.

### **Dualism:**
Dualism, on the other hand, holds that there are two distinct and irreducible principles or substances, such as mind and matter, or good and evil. Descartes' mind-body dualism is a well-known example, where the mental and the physical are fundamentally different types of substances.

A dualist might argue that dualism is more primary because it reflects the fundamental structures of human experience. We experience the world through contrast—subject vs. object, self vs. other, and so on. Dualism, in this sense, reflects the way we naturally divide and categorize reality. For a dualist, monism might seem overly reductive, ignoring the fundamental divisions that structure experience and understanding.

### **Primacy and Context:**
The question of primacy can also depend on the context in which one is asking it:
- **Ontological Primacy**: If one is asking about the nature of ultimate reality, monism might be more primary, as it seeks to explain diversity and duality as expressions of a deeper unity.
- **Epistemological or Experiential Primacy**: If the question is about how humans first experience or understand reality, dualism might seem more primary, as our consciousness often operates through distinctions.

### **Synthesis:**
Some thinkers, such as Hegel, propose that the dualistic oppositions in reality are reconciled through a dialectical process, leading to a higher unity. This would suggest that both monism and dualism are essential to the unfolding of reality, where dualism may be a necessary stage in the realization of a monistic unity.

Ultimately, neither monism nor dualism may be considered "more primary" in an absolute sense. Each framework offers a different lens through which to understand reality, and the question of primacy might depend on one's philosophical assumptions or goals.

Can we say that Daoism is primarily monism? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-5)

Yes, Daoism can be considered primarily monistic, though it presents a unique kind of monism that embraces the dynamic interplay of opposites rather than reducing everything to a single static principle.

### **The Dao as Monistic:**
In Daoism, the fundamental principle is the Dao (Tao), often translated as "The Way." The Dao is understood as the underlying source and force that pervades all things in the universe. It is the origin of all phenomena, the unity behind the multiplicity of forms and forces we observe. The Dao is not a distinct, separate entity but a holistic process or flow that transcends specific categorizations like "one" or "many." 

Laozi in the *Tao Te Ching* famously expresses this idea when he says:
> "The Dao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Dao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name."

This suggests that the Dao is beyond distinctions and dualities, embodying a form of monism where all things arise from and return to the same fundamental source.

### **Yin-Yang and the Unity of Opposites:**
While Daoism emphasizes the Dao as the underlying unity, it also recognizes the interplay of opposites, most famously represented by the concept of **Yin and Yang**. Yin and Yang are complementary forces that interact within the Dao, giving rise to the diversity and dynamism of the universe. Although these forces appear to be dualistic, they are not separate or in conflict in a strict sense; rather, they are aspects of a larger, unified process. 

Thus, Daoism embraces a **dynamic monism**, where opposites are interdependent and form a harmonious whole. The diversity and change we observe in the world, including dualities like light and dark, are seen as expressions of the Dao’s underlying unity.

### **Monism with a Fluid Unity:**
In contrast to a more static or absolute form of monism, Daoism’s view is fluid and process-oriented. The Dao is not a fixed substance but an ever-changing, self-generating principle. This view emphasizes the **oneness of process**, where the world is not divided into fundamentally separate entities but understood as interrelated, evolving aspects of the same underlying reality.

### **Comparison with Other Forms of Monism:**
- **Spinoza's monism**, for instance, sees the universe as a single substance with infinite attributes, of which we perceive mind and body. Similarly, the Dao can be seen as the single source of all attributes, but unlike Spinoza's rational and somewhat static monism, Daoism emphasizes continual change and transformation.
- **Advaita Vedanta**'s monism in Indian philosophy posits Brahman as the one reality behind the illusion of multiplicity (maya). Daoism also sees unity beneath apparent dualities but differs by emphasizing that the world of dualities and change is not an illusion but an essential expression of the Dao.

### **Conclusion:**
Yes, Daoism can be described as primarily monistic, but it is a **dynamic and relational monism**, where the play of opposites (Yin and Yang) is central to the process of the Dao. The multiplicity of forms and experiences in the world is not separate from the Dao but expressions of its unity, making Daoism a unique form of monism that emphasizes harmony and balance within the whole.

Throughout the history of philosophy, which philosophers were advocates of monism? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-6)

Throughout the history of philosophy, several significant thinkers have advocated for **monism**, the view that reality is fundamentally one. Here’s an overview of key philosophers associated with monism:

### 1. **Parmenides (c. 515 – c. 450 BCE)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Parmenides, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, is often considered one of the earliest advocates of monism. In his poem *On Nature*, he argues that reality is unchanging, singular, and indivisible. He famously rejected the existence of change, multiplicity, and becoming as illusions of perception.
   - **Monistic View:** Parmenides believed that all of reality is a single, unchanging entity, which he called "the One." This being is eternal, unchanging, and complete, and anything that seems to change or differ is an illusion of human perception.

### 2. **Spinoza (1632 – 1677)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Baruch Spinoza, a Dutch philosopher, is one of the most well-known proponents of metaphysical monism. In his work *Ethics*, Spinoza argues that there is only one substance, which he identifies as both God and Nature (Deus sive Natura).
   - **Monistic View:** Spinoza’s monism posits that everything that exists is a mode or attribute of a single substance. This substance is self-caused, infinite, and identical with the universe. He rejected Cartesian dualism, asserting that mind and body are two attributes of the same substance rather than two separate entities.

### 3. **Plotinus (204/5 – 270 CE)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Plotinus, the founder of Neoplatonism, developed a metaphysical system that is often described as monistic. In his work *The Enneads*, he presents the concept of "the One" or "the Good" as the source of all reality.
   - **Monistic View:** For Plotinus, everything emanates from the One, and although we experience multiplicity and diversity in the world, this multiplicity is derived from the unity of the One. The One itself is beyond all categories and distinctions, and the apparent diversity of existence is a reflection of this unified source.

### 4. **Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Bruno was an Italian philosopher who advocated for a pantheistic form of monism. His view of the universe was deeply influenced by Neoplatonism and Spinozistic ideas, although he predated Spinoza.
   - **Monistic View:** Bruno argued that the universe is infinite and composed of a single substance, which is both God and Nature. In his cosmology, everything is connected, and the divine is immanent in all things, rather than transcendent.

### 5. **G.W.F. Hegel (1770 – 1831)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Hegel is often associated with a form of **dialectical monism**. In his works, such as *The Phenomenology of Spirit* and *The Science of Logic*, Hegel presents a system in which all oppositions and contradictions (such as subject and object, mind and matter) are ultimately reconciled in a higher unity, the Absolute.
   - **Monistic View:** Hegel’s monism is not static but dynamic. He argues that the Absolute, or ultimate reality, is a process of unfolding through dialectical movement. The contradictions and dualities we perceive are moments in the self-development of Spirit, which ultimately realizes itself as a unified whole.

### 6. **Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Schopenhauer, influenced by both Eastern philosophy and Kantian metaphysics, developed a form of **will-based monism**. In his major work *The World as Will and Representation*, he argues that the essence of reality is a single, blind, irrational force he calls "the Will."
   - **Monistic View:** Schopenhauer’s monism posits that the underlying reality of everything is the Will, which manifests itself in the physical world as objects and individuals. The multiplicity we experience is simply the manifestation of the Will through the framework of space, time, and causality.

### 7. **Henri Bergson (1859 – 1941)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Bergson, a French philosopher, developed a metaphysical system that emphasized **creative evolution** and **duration** as the fundamental aspects of reality. In works like *Creative Evolution* and *Matter and Memory*, Bergson proposes a type of **process monism**.
   - **Monistic View:** Bergson’s monism is centered on the idea that reality is a continuous flow or process of becoming. He distinguishes between two types of reality: the static, spatial world of objects (which he associates with matter) and the dynamic, temporal world of change and creativity (which he associates with life or "élan vital"). The latter, which represents the true nature of existence, is unified and indivisible.

### 8. **Anaximander (c. 610 – c. 546 BCE)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Anaximander, another pre-Socratic philosopher, is often regarded as one of the first thinkers to propose a form of monism. He posited that the universe originated from an indefinite, boundless principle called the **Apeiron**.
   - **Monistic View:** Anaximander’s monism revolves around the concept of the Apeiron, a formless, infinite substance from which all things emerge and to which they eventually return. It is the ultimate source and unity behind the diversity of the natural world.

### 9. **Advaita Vedanta (Shankara, c. 700 CE)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Shankara, an Indian philosopher and the foremost exponent of **Advaita Vedanta**, proposed a non-dualistic (monistic) interpretation of the Upanishads. His philosophy remains one of the most influential forms of monism in Indian thought.
   - **Monistic View:** Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta asserts that the ultimate reality is **Brahman**, a singular, infinite, and unchanging reality. The apparent multiplicity of the world and the individual self (Atman) are seen as illusions (Maya). Ultimately, Brahman and Atman are identical, and realizing this unity is the goal of spiritual practice.

### 10. **Whitehead (1861 – 1947)**
   - **Philosophical Contribution:** Alfred North Whitehead developed a process-oriented metaphysics, known as **process philosophy**, which presents a version of **process monism**.
   - **Monistic View:** Whitehead’s philosophy holds that reality consists of a process of becoming rather than a static substance. The universe is one interconnected flow of events and experiences, which he termed "actual occasions." While he acknowledges the multiplicity of processes, they are unified within the larger context of reality as a whole.

### **Conclusion:**
Monism has been a recurring theme in the history of philosophy, taking various forms, from Parmenides' conception of the unchanging One to Spinoza’s pantheistic substance and Shankara’s identification of Brahman with ultimate reality. While each philosopher offers a different interpretation of what constitutes the "one" underlying reality, they all share a commitment to the idea that, despite the diversity we perceive, there is a deeper unity at the heart of existence.

What about Deleuze, is he one of the advocates of monism? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-6)

Yes, **Gilles Deleuze** is considered an advocate of a unique form of **monism**, though his approach is quite distinct from traditional monist views like those of Spinoza or Parmenides. Deleuze’s monism is rooted in **immanence**, **difference**, and **becoming**, and it is dynamic rather than static.

### **Deleuze’s Monism of Immanence:**
Deleuze's philosophical project emphasizes the **plane of immanence**, which he develops in works like *Difference and Repetition* and *A Thousand Plateaus* (co-authored with Félix Guattari). The plane of immanence is a field of pure potentiality and becoming, where everything exists within the same immanent plane of existence, without a transcendent realm or overarching organizing principle. This concept makes his philosophy fundamentally monistic in the sense that everything that exists does so within this singular, dynamic field.

- **Immanence vs. Transcendence:** Traditional monisms often suggest a unified, transcendent principle behind the multiplicity of the world, such as God, the One, or a foundational substance. Deleuze rejects this transcendent view in favor of a radically immanent reality. For him, there is no higher or separate reality—everything is immanent within the same field of becoming, and all multiplicities, differences, and singularities arise within this one immanent plane.

### **Difference and Multiplicity:**
Deleuze’s monism is centered around **difference** and **multiplicity**, rather than sameness or unity. He critiques classical metaphysics (which often treats difference as secondary to identity or unity) and proposes that difference is primary. The world is not composed of identical substances that appear different; instead, difference is the very essence of reality. 

- **Becoming and Change:** For Deleuze, reality is not a fixed or stable unity but a constant process of **becoming** and **flux**. His monism is dynamic, emphasizing the unfolding of differences, transformations, and creative processes. This view aligns him with **process philosophy** and offers a contrast to more static forms of monism that focus on a singular, unchanging substance.

### **Spinoza’s Influence:**
Deleuze is heavily influenced by **Spinoza**, whose monism posits that everything is a mode of one substance, which is both God and Nature. Deleuze admired Spinoza’s rejection of Cartesian dualism and his focus on immanence. In *Spinoza: Practical Philosophy*, Deleuze draws on Spinoza’s idea that everything is an expression of a single substance, yet Deleuze radicalizes this idea by emphasizing the importance of difference and transformation within the immanent field.

- **Multiplicity within Unity:** While Spinoza’s monism is sometimes interpreted as a unity that underlies multiplicity, Deleuze takes it further by suggesting that **multiplicity** itself is the primary reality. For Deleuze, there is no singular essence or unified identity behind things; instead, everything exists as part of a network of differences and relations within a singular plane of immanence.

### **Rhizomatic Monism:**
In *A Thousand Plateaus*, Deleuze and Guattari introduce the concept of the **rhizome** to describe their view of reality. The rhizome is a metaphor for a non-hierarchical, interconnected network without a central point or origin. Unlike a tree, which has a singular root (symbolizing hierarchical structure), a rhizome spreads in all directions, creating a decentralized multiplicity.

- **Non-hierarchical Monism:** Deleuze’s rhizomatic view represents a monism that is not about unity in the traditional sense but about a multiplicity that unfolds within the same immanent plane. Everything is interconnected in a horizontal network of becoming, where differences proliferate without any single, overarching principle organizing them.

### **Conclusion:**
Gilles Deleuze can certainly be considered an advocate of **monism**, but his monism is quite distinct from classical versions. It is a **monism of immanence**, where everything exists within the same dynamic field of becoming, difference, and multiplicity. Rather than seeing reality as unified in the sense of an unchanging substance or singular entity, Deleuze’s monism emphasizes that the **unfolding of differences and transformations** happens within a singular, interconnected plane. This makes his monism far more fluid and dynamic, grounded in process and creativity rather than static unity.