Wednesday, September 18, 2024

菊次郎十六式 (自體的心理學)(2025)(車行形上學)(metaphysics of van life)






以不完整的句子,觸此癥結,形同釋放 (板塊) 能量,

Is there structure in jazz music? If yes, what’s the structure like? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-18)

Yes, there is structure in jazz music, though it may seem more free-form and improvisational compared to other genres. Jazz is known for its flexibility, but most jazz performances are built around certain recognizable frameworks. Here are some key elements of jazz structure:

### 1. **Song Form**

   - Many jazz pieces are based on standard song forms, with the **AABA** and **ABAC** forms being the most common. These forms consist of sections, or "choruses," that repeat throughout the performance.

     - **AABA**: The "A" section is a theme or melody that is repeated, with the "B" section providing contrast (often called the "bridge"). After the bridge, the "A" section returns.

     - **ABAC**: Similar to AABA, but the final section contrasts with the first section instead of repeating.

   - **Blues Form**: A 12-bar blues is another common structure, consisting of three 4-bar phrases. It’s a simple but powerful framework used widely in jazz.

### 2. **Chord Progressions**

   - Jazz relies heavily on standard chord progressions, with the **ii-V-I** progression being the most iconic. This progression is used frequently in jazz to move from one key or section to another.

   - Many jazz tunes are based on the harmonic structure of pre-existing songs (often referred to as “standards”), using their chord progressions as a basis for improvisation.

### 3. **Head-Solo-Head Structure**

   - A common structure in jazz performances is **head-solo-head**:

     - **Head**: The performance starts with the "head," or the main melody/theme of the tune. This is usually played in unison or harmony by the lead instruments.

     - **Solo Section**: After the head, individual musicians take turns improvising over the chord changes. Each solo is usually based on the harmonic framework of the song.

     - **Head Reprise**: After the solos, the head is played again, usually to close the performance.

### 4. **Rhythmic Structure**

   - Jazz often has a strong, syncopated rhythm and is heavily influenced by swing. The rhythm section (drums, bass, piano, etc.) sets up a groove or pulse that drives the piece forward.

   - Rhythmic patterns can vary greatly, from straight beats to complex, syncopated rhythms.

### 5. **Improvisation**

   - While improvisation is a hallmark of jazz, it usually happens within the confines of the song's structure (chord progressions, form, and key).

   - Musicians have the freedom to explore melodies and harmonies while staying anchored to the underlying form of the piece.

### 6. **Modal Structure**

   - Some forms of jazz, especially **modal jazz**, use modes (scales derived from a parent key) rather than chord progressions as the foundation for improvisation. This allows for more open-ended and less harmonically restricted solos.

Despite its apparent looseness, jazz is built on these structured elements, which give musicians a framework to work from while allowing for significant creative freedom.

四四十六,分四樂段,起承轉 (未必)合,




1000 字:對我來說,這是寫小說的基本功。字數少,字句的敘述跟雕琢便顯得格外重要,而且1000個字說實在不難。
5000 字:短篇小說的基準範圍。當然也有不少好的短篇小說只有這個數字的一半。

What’s the length and structure of novella? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-18)

A **novella** is a form of prose fiction that is shorter than a full-length novel but longer than a short story. Its length and structure allow for more complexity than a short story but usually without the expansive scope of a novel.

### 1. **Length**

   - **Word Count**: A novella typically ranges between **20,000 to 50,000 words**, though some definitions may extend up to 60,000 words. This range gives enough room for a detailed narrative without becoming as lengthy as a novel.

   - In terms of pages, a novella usually spans **80 to 200 pages**, depending on formatting and font size.

### 2. **Structure**

   The structure of a novella is more focused and concise compared to a novel. Its shorter length impacts the pacing and narrative complexity.

   - **Plot**: The plot of a novella is generally more streamlined than that of a novel. It usually revolves around a single conflict or a tightly woven series of events. While there can be subplots, they are often limited in number and scope.

     - **Linear Narrative**: Novellas often follow a linear structure, where events are presented in chronological order. This helps maintain clarity in a more concise form.

     - **Focused Conflict**: There is typically one major conflict or theme that drives the novella, and the story revolves around its resolution.

   - **Character Development**: A novella focuses on fewer characters than a novel, often centering around one or two main characters. It allows for in-depth exploration of the protagonist's internal world or key relationships but without the extensive secondary character arcs typical of novels.

     - **Psychological Depth**: Although shorter, novellas often provide significant psychological insight into the characters, making it a form well-suited for exploring internal struggles or transformations.

   - **Themes**: Novellas often explore one or two central themes or ideas. Given the condensed form, these themes are developed intensely and with precision, allowing the reader to engage deeply without being distracted by numerous side themes or plots.


   - **Setting**: The setting is usually limited, often focusing on a single location or small number of locations, allowing for greater depth in the atmosphere and tone without the broader world-building of a novel.

   - **Pacing**: The pacing is typically faster than that of a novel, with little room for unnecessary digressions. This often leads to a sense of urgency or immediacy in the narrative.

### 3. **Examples of Novellas**

   - **"The Metamorphosis"** by Franz Kafka (~30,000 words)

   - **"Of Mice and Men"** by John Steinbeck (~30,000 words)

   - **"Heart of Darkness"** by Joseph Conrad (~38,000 words)

   - **"The Stranger"** by Albert Camus (~36,000 words)

Overall, the novella form strikes a balance between the brevity of a short story and the depth of a novel, offering a focused, intense narrative with room for character and thematic exploration.







Lee Child 曾強調伏筆(foreshadowing),

