Saturday, October 16, 2021

預見後人類的世界 (posthuman)

(一) 預見末世

後人類,就是,後自體 (post-self),意思是說,以前我們說,「它在說我」 (it speaks me),以後機器人說,「它就是你」 (it is you)。

意思是說,從此客體關係,變成兩個物體之間的關係;從此沒有,互為主體間性 (intersubjective),因為你我都非主體,只可能有,互為物體間性 (interobjective)。



但是,so what?

這是末世,這是 apocalypse,post-apocalyptic 的小說電影,已經太多,你認為,還有必要,多說甚麼,大家都已知道,但又無能改變,歷史進程,的話嗎?


(二) 拉斯維加斯

整個 2021 年,我都在等,army of the dead,意思是說,即使末世,我們,仍要去 las vegas 。

我們,在 las Vegas,見到,

Rosi Braidotti
Francesca Fernando
Gilles Deleuze
Transcendence vs. Immanence
Graham Harman (OOO)
Kevin Kelly
Bernard Marr
Peter Diamandis
Ray Kurzweil
Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War (Paul Scharre)
Anthony Elliott
Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update (Donella Meadows)
Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence (James Lovelock)
Back to (no more) nature
Paul Shepard (Coming home to the Pleistocene)
Hunter-Gatherer`s 15-hour weekdays
Dunbar‘s number
Defiant Earth: The Fate of Humans in the Anthropocene (Clive Hamilton)
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (Elizabeth Kolbert)

推動歷史的 是慾望和科技

The question of technology (Heidegger)

Foucault‘s prophecy ~ erasure of the self

Bernard Marr (2020)
James Lovelock (2020)
Francis Fukuyama (2002)
Philosophical imagination
Work ~ who can be indispensable?
Surveillance Capitalism
Blade Runner 2049 ~ that dog likes to drink whiskey
Drone and other military use
Anthony Elliott ~ algorithmic self (2020)