Saturday, July 22, 2023

歷史的縫隙 (SP 2023) (自體的心理學)

有點像,脫離了,歷史的時空,我相信,這種縫隙,是真正的放逐,比如說,四十年前,那個晚上,雲林崙背,比如說,Roberto Bolano (1953-2003) ,每天搭區間車,往返 Blanes 和巴塞隆那,你要理解,那就是久違的,已經消失的,七等生的慢車,我的意思是說,在車上,看著海的Bolano ,就是在歷史的縫隙,

Bolaño moved to Europe in 1977, and finally made his way to Spain, where he married and settled on the Mediterranean coast near Barcelona, on the Costa Brava, working as a dishwasher, campground custodian, bellhop, and garbage collector.[11] He used his spare time to write. From the 80's to his death, he lived in the small Catalan beach town of Blanes.[21][22][23][24]

He continued with poetry, before shifting to fiction in his early forties. In an interview Bolaño said that he began writing fiction because he felt responsible for the future financial well-being of his family, which he knew he could never secure from the earnings of a poet. This was confirmed by Jorge Herralde, who explained that Bolaño "abandoned his parsimonious beatnik existence" because the birth of his son in 1990 made him "decide that he was responsible for his family's future and that it would be easier to earn a living by writing fiction." However, he continued to think of himself primarily as a poet, and a collection of his verse, spanning 20 years, was published in 2000 under the title Los perros románticos (The Romantic Dogs).