Monday, July 31, 2023

Thomas Svolos (2017) (Lacan)

The section on Seminar 20 is an attempt to extract three critical concepts from Lacan’s Seminar 20, a seminar that is well known in the Anglophone world due to its early translation and that is a critical seminar at the point of transition of Lacan into the final phase of his work and delineation of his separation or disjunction from aspects of Freud’s work. I might also add that it is indeed the work of the later Lacan, say from Seminar 20 forward, that has, in some ways, the most relevance to my particular claim for the place for Lacan in addressing the psyche of the twenty-first century, as will be developed in several chapters. (p  xviii) 

Lacan and Addiction: An Anthology (2011)

Addiction 是廿一世紀重症,而且顯然就是 petit objet a 和 Le Sinthome 作祟,我以前說過,我們每個人都需要癮,否則就無以 (無由)(沒有理由)存在,意思是說,你要珍惜你的癮,比如說,前幾個月,我對買背包,突然成癮,這就是那個有名的,五十公升的背包的由來,比如說,包子非要砸爛中國經濟,建雄安炮都,要中國女人都穿唐裝打炮,這分明就是癮,意思是說,癮是一種執著 (obstinate) ,你要理解,這個字,是拿來形容 Harry Guntrip 的,意思是說,Guntrip 若非有癮,無法把他和 Fairbairn / Winnicott 十餘年會談,分身,邊說邊記,