Monday, March 25, 2024

Anand C. Paranjpe (negativity vs vitality)

Anand C. Paranjpe obtained his PhD at Pune University and conducted post-doctoral research at Harvard University under a Fulbright and Smith-Mundt grant. In 1967 he started teaching at Simon Fraser University in Canada, where he is currently Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Humanities. He is Fellow of Canadian Psychological Association and of the National Academy of Psychology (India).

His major publications include Theoretical psychology: The meeting of East and West (1984) and Self and identity in modern psychology and Indian thought (Plenum, 1998). He co-edited with Professors K.R. Rao and Ajit Dalal the Handbook of Indian Psychology (2008). His more recent publication is a book titled Psychology in the Indian tradition (2016; 2017) which he co-authored with Prof. K. Ramkrishna Rao as its first author. He was invited by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research as National Visiting Professor in 2010-2011 and was recognized as Distinguished Psychologist by the National Academy of Psychology (India) in 2021.

Yoga and Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on the Psychology of Regression (2022)


may have lived between the 2nd century BCE and the 4th century CE
He is believed to be an author and compiler of a number of Sanskrit works.[1] The greatest of these are the Yoga Sutras, a classical yoga text

Yoga, as Patanjali famously defines it, is the “restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness.” The practice begins by sitting and calming the fluctuations of the body, breath, and senses, and then the more elusive whirlings of consciousness