Thursday, March 28, 2024

John Eccles (1903-1997)

In Fig. 6-1 you will be able to see that I fully accept the recent philosophical achievements of Sir Karl Popper with his concept of three worlds. I was a dualist, now I am a trialist! Cartesian dualism has become unfashionable with many people. They embrace monism to escape the enigma of brain-mind interaction with its perplexing problems. But Sir Karl Popper and I are interactionists, and what is more, trialist interactionists!


  • 1932, Reflex Activity of the Spinal Cord.
  • 1953, The neurophysiological basis of the mind: The principles of neurophysiology, Oxford: Clarendon.
  • 1957, The Physiology of Nerve Cells.
  • 1964, The Physiology of Synapses.
  • 1965, The brain and the unity of conscious experience, London: Cambridge University Press.
  • 1969, The Inhibitory Pathways of the Central Nervous System.
  • 1970, Facing reality: Philosophical Adventures by a Brain Scientist, Berlin: Springer.
  • 1973, The Understanding of the Brain.
  • 1977, The Self and Its Brain, with Karl Popper, Berlin: Springer.
  • 1979, The human mystery, Berlin: Springer.
  • 1980, The Human Psyche.
  • 1984, The Wonder of Being Human – Our Brain & Our Mind, with Daniel N. Robinson, New York, Free Press.
  • 1985, Mind and Brain: The Many-Faceted Problems, (Editor), New York : Paragon House.
  • 1989, Evolution Of The Brain : Creation Of The Self.
  • 1994, How the Self Controls Its Brain.