Monday, September 9, 2024


昨已落髮,遂續為寇,除周二,一日不過二事,你要理解,土地公和白梅,是乾淨明亮的關係,昨跟  D 君說,安眠藥使用節制,就是為此,乾淨明亮,意思是說,逢坎遭難,未幾坎過,遂續前行,不必沾黏,

你要理解,神秘就是洗碗,洗碗就是神秘,意思是說,神秘不是,滿天神佛,裝神弄鬼,既然昨日,已去家樂福狗老闆,明日遂可不赴,K 自稱狂人,自封為神,貢高我慢,TBR 說 K 無所不貪,是稀有動物,大家要愛護他,MJ 黨無信仰,KM 黨則有信仰,專門舔共媚匪,小林說,共匪商務部衛健委剛剛發公告,開放外國生技公司投資,共匪為盜取生科技術,提供中國人民,隨便作人體實驗,

Now, Paul Hubble confessed that he killed the tall and shaved guy. Now, Reacher and Hubble are going to be sent to the prison, which means trap. Now, Reacher just beats the fat boy, and becomes a celebrity among the lifers. Now, Hubble is going to confess to Reacher, yet Reacher still doesn’t know the murdered victim was Joe.