Thursday, September 12, 2024

車行形上學 (metaphysics of van life)

為什麼 AI 合成美女,都是超級大波,習近平說李克強是韓正殺的,112 今明後,鳥的祖先是恐龍,Is bird’s ancestry dinosaurs? (ChatGPT, 2024-9-12) Yes, birds are considered the modern descendants of dinosaurs. Specifically, they evolved from a group of small, feathered theropod dinosaurs, which are the same group that includes well-known species like Velociraptors and Tyrannosaurus Rex. This evolutionary link is supported by fossil evidence showing similarities in skeletal structure, feathers, and other features. The discovery of fossils like *Archaeopteryx* provided a clear transitional form, showing traits of both dinosaurs and modern birds. So, birds are often referred to as "living dinosaurs."