The Wu Wei Manifesto of Van Life
1. The road is not a means, nor is it an end.
You do not travel it; it travels you.
2. There is no final destination.
The wind is your map, the rain your itinerary.
3. Do not force the journey.
If the engine fails, let it rest.
If the river rises, wait.
The path is not something you take; it is something that takes you.
4. Embrace radical hospitality.
Give without calculation. Receive without debt.
Be the shelter you find in others.
5. Do not grasp at identity.
You are not the driver. You are not the passenger.
You are the motion between.
6. Be useless, like the crooked tree.
The tree that bends does not break.
The one with no purpose lives longest in the forest.
7. Walk light, leave less, love wide.
The only weight you carry should be the weight of kindness.
Everything else, let the wind take.
8. The road is not outside you.
The van is not outside you.
The world is not outside you.
You are what moves, and what is moved.
9. Wu wei: move without effort, act without ego, give without expectation.
The journey was never yours. It was always the Tao.
Would you like me to refine this further, or would you prefer it as a poetic form?