Saturday, March 22, 2025

In this sense, can we say that, nightmares are meant to hide the dreamer’s eyes from seeing the truth of himself? (ChatGPT, 2025-3-22) (自體的心理學)(車行哲學)

 Yes—and even more precisely:

Nightmares are both a hiding and a beckoning.

They are veils of terror that also point toward the unbearable truth.

So yes—nightmares often function as a psychic defense, but not just to conceal truth in the Freudian sense. They are truth-events (aletheia) wrapped in darkness, because the self is not yet ready to see what is being disclosed.

1. Nightmares as a Defense Against Seeing

• In Kohutian or self-psychological terms, a nightmare can reflect a rupture in the cohesion of the self.

• The terror or fragmentation it evokes is often so intense that the dream itself turns violent or horrific—not as pure sadism, but as a way of shielding the self from direct psychic collapse.

The nightmare says: “You’re not ready to see this yet.”

So yes—it hides the dreamer’s eyes.

But it also says: there is something here to be seen, when you are ready.

2. Bion and Ogden: Raw Emotional Truth Beyond Symbolization

• For Bion, when emotional experiences are too overwhelming, the psyche can’t dream them—it breaks down into “beta elements” (raw, unprocessed affect).

• Nightmares might be the psyche’s attempt to think the unthinkable, but without the capacity to contain or symbolize it.

A nightmare is not a failed dream—it is a dream at the edge of thought, where truth is present but still too intense, too fragmented, too real.

Ogden might say:

• The nightmare is the mind trying to think what has never been thought.

• It’s the self on the verge of being disclosed, but caught in a storm of unsymbolized dread.

3. Nightmares as Aletheia in Shadow

Yes—if a self-state dream is aletheia in the form of gentle disclosure,

then a nightmare is aletheia in the form of overwhelming force—

truth that cannot yet be held, but insists on being approached.

Nightmares can be:

• Distorted mirrors of psychic truth

• Storms around a center that cannot yet be named

• Warnings, but also invitations

They hide the truth with horror,

But the horror itself is a signal that truth is nearby.

4. Levinasian & Ethical Echoes

From a Levinasian angle:

• The Other (in this case, the unbearable part of the self) cannot be assimilated.

• The nightmare is the face of the Other in terrifying form—not because it is evil, but because it is too ethically demanding, too uncontainable.

The nightmare is not a lie. It is a protest:

“I cannot bear to see myself yet.”

5. Final Thought:

Yes—nightmares are the guardians of unbearable truths.

They cloak the aletheia of the self in fear,

but they do not fully block it.

They are thresholds,

saying: “Not now—but return again.”

A nightmare is the soul crying out:

“There is something you must see—

but not all at once.”

Would you like to explore how this idea connects to trauma, healing, or poetic transformation of nightmare into insight?