Sunday, March 16, 2025

Now, “ineffable” is relevant in transcendence, but is it relevant in immanence? (ChatGPT, 2025-3-16) (自體的心理學)(車行哲學)

 The term “ineffable” refers to that which cannot be adequately expressed through words, often because it surpasses the limits of human language or comprehension. Traditionally, “ineffable” is associated with transcendence, describing aspects of existence that are beyond or above the range of normal experience, such as the divine or ultimate reality.

Ineffability in Immanence:

While ineffability is commonly linked to transcendence, it is also relevant in the context of immanence. Immanence refers to the divine presence pervading and sustaining the material world, emphasizing God’s closeness and active participation in creation. In this view, the divine is intimately involved in the world and accessible within the fabric of everyday life.

Examples of Ineffability in Immanence:

• Christian Theology: The Bible portrays God as both transcendent and immanent—beyond human comprehension yet intimately present with humanity. This duality suggests that aspects of God’s immanent presence are also ineffable, as they transcend complete human understanding. 

• Mystical Experiences: Individuals may encounter profound moments of unity with the divine within the material world, experiences that are deeply personal and challenging to articulate. These immanent experiences are often described as ineffable due to their depth and transformative nature.

Philosophical Perspectives:

Philosophers like Gilles Deleuze have explored concepts such as the “plane of immanence,” which refers to a reality where all experiences and entities are interconnected without recourse to a transcendent realm. This concept itself is considered ineffable, as it challenges traditional structures of thought and language. 


In summary, while ineffability is often associated with transcendence, it is equally pertinent to immanence. Both the transcendent and immanent aspects of existence can encompass dimensions that elude complete linguistic or conceptual expression, highlighting the profound mysteries inherent in both perspectives.