Saturday, December 31, 2022

event is it, but not only that it, which is in the usual sense (2023)

Where it is, there shall I become.

Where event is, there shall I become.

Now, event is it, but not only that it, which is in the usual sense, because this it can be the world itself, and not confined to your mom and dad. 

Ereignis can be understood as either the event of appropriation, or to be appreciated by the event. In other words, no sooner when one has the illusion of owning the event, one knows inescapably that he is owned by the event. 

It (das Es) is used to be regarded by psychoanalysis as something innate, and inside the body, of the person.

Now, It (das Es) is regarded by schizoanalysis as something acquired, and outside the body, of the person.

The psychoanalytic 'It' requires interminable memory to elaborate the personal story. That person has to talk, talk, talk, interminably. This game is called Proustian. This unconscious is personal unconsciousness. That person is both an actor and a puppet of his family drama.

The schizoanalytic 'It' requires faithfully faced events to prove the person's adequacy. That person usually won't be able to come back to tell his story. This game is called Kafkaesque. This unconscious is personal unconsciousness, heavily mixed up with social and historical unconsciousness. That person is both an actor and a puppet of the event.