Monday, December 19, 2022

關係學派導讀 (June, 2023) (2022-12-21)


起因是 「Meeting of Minds: Mutuality in Psychoanalysis, by Lewis Aron, Routledge, 2001」中譯本出版,受心靈工坊之邀,2023-6-7 至 2023-6-28,每周三晚,7:00-9:00,進行導讀,


過去三十年精神分析的發展,美國的關係學派是顯學。這個法脈源自沙利文和WAWI (William Alanson White Institute) 的人際精神分析,和沒有被遺忘的 Sándor Ferenczi。復興自一本書 Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory (Greenberg & Mitchell, 1983),接收了之前數十年的成果,包括英國的客體關係理論,依附理論,母嬰觀察,和美國的自體心理學,發展出當代的關係學派精神分析。

這個課程,旨在迴顧關係學派過去三十年,梳理其重要概念,包括 mutuality,development tilt,ritual and spontaneity,dialectical constructivism,dissociation,multiple self,enactment,analyst's subjectivity,unformulated experience,intersubjectivity,mutual recognition,needed relationship,unobtrusive relational analyst,psychoanalytic companioning,relational holding。探討三個議題,包括互為主體理論,臨床理論,社會行動,並對關係學派提出批判。


(一) 起
1.1 參與的觀察者 (Harry Stack Sullivan)
1.2 臨床日記 (Sandor Ferenczi)
1.3 與 SF 互相分析的 R.N. (Elizabeth Severn)
1.4 只帶回半個信息的信差 (Clara Thompson)

(二) 承
2.1 從那本有名的書說起 (Stephen A. Mitchell) 
2.2 他們幸好沒有龍天樓,和龍天樓的陰影 (關係學派後繼諸君)

(三) 轉
3.1 互為主體理論,和三的世界 (Jessica Benjamin)
3.2 二人心理學的臨床理論 (mutuality,enactment,analyst's subjectivity,therapeutic excess) 
3.3 傳說中,呼之欲出的社會行動

(四) 合
4.1 與自體心理學的對話 (Relational Self Psychology,Estelle Shane)
4.2 關係學派內部的自我反思
4.3 來自加拿大,碰的鼻青臉腫的批判 (Jon Mills)


1.1 Sullivan Revisited. Life and Work. Harry Stack Sullivan’s Relevance for Contemporary Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, by Marco Conci, Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche Trento, 2012
1.1 Harry Stack Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory and Psychotherapy, by F. Barton Evans, Routledge, 2006

1.1 Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, ed. Marylou Lionells, John Fiscalini, Carola H. Mann, Donnel B. Stern, Routledge, 2014
1.1 Pioneers of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, ed. Donnel B. Stern, Carola H. Mann, Stuart Kantor, Gary Schlesinger, Routledge, 2015
1.1 The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960s-1990s: Rethinking transference and countertransference, ed. Donnel B. Stern, Irwin Hirsch, Routledge 2017
1.1 Further Developments in Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, 1980s-2010s: Evolving Interest in the Analyst’s Subjectivity, ed. Donnel B. Stern, Irwin Hirsch, Routledge 2017

1.2 The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi: From ghost to ancestor, ed. Adrienne Harris, Steven Kuchuck, Routledge, 2015
1.2 The Clinical Diary of Sándor Ferenczi, ed. Judith Dupont, translated by Michael Balint, ‎Harvard University Press, 1988

1.3 Mutual Analysis: Ferenczi, Severn, and the Origins of Trauma Theory, Peter L. Rudnytsky, Routledge, 2021
1.3 Elizabeth Severn: The "Evil Genius" of Psychoanalysis, by Arnold Rachman, Routledge, 2018

1.4 Clara M. Thompson’s Early Years and Professional Awakening: An American Psychoanalyst (1893-1933),
by Ann D'Ercole, Routledge, 2023
1.4 Clara M. Thompson’s Professional Evolution and Legacy: An American Psychoanalyst (1933-1958), by Ann D'Ercole, Routledge, 2023

2.1 Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, by Stephen Mitchell, Jay Greenberg, ‎Harvard University Press 1983
2.1 Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis: An Integration, by Stephen Mitchell, Harvard University Press, 1988
2.1 Relationality: From Attachment to Intersubjectivity, by Stephen Mitchell, Routledge, 2000

2.2 The Relational Revolution in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, by Steven Kuchuck, Confer Books, 2021
2.2 key texts to be listed

3.1 Beyond Doer and Done to: Recognition Theory, Intersubjectivity and the Third, by Jessica Benjamin, Routledge, 2017

3.2 Bass, A. (2015) The Dialogue of Unconsciouses, Mutual Analysis and the Uses of the Self in Contemporary Relational Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 25:2-17
3.2 Davies, J. M. (1994) Love in the Afternoon: A Relational Reconsideration of Desire and Dread in the Countertransference. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 4:153-170
3.2 Davies, J. M. (2013) My Enfant Terrible is Twenty: A Discussion of Slavin's and Gentile's Retrospective Reconsideration of “Love in the Afternoon”. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 23:170-179
3.2 Core Competencies of Relational Psychoanalysis: A Guide to Practice, Study and Research, by Roy E. Barsness, Routledge, 2017

3.3 Cushman, P. (2015) Relational Psychoanalysis as Political Resistance. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 51:423-459
3.3 A Psychotherapy for the People: Toward a Progressive Psychoanalysis, by Lewis Aron, Karen Starr, Routledge, 2012
3.3 Intersectionality and Relational Psychoanalysis: New Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Sexuality, ed. Max Belkin, Cleonie White, Routledge, 2020

4.1 Magid, B. & Shane, E. (2017) Relational Self Psychology. Psychoanalysis, Self, and Context 12:3-19
4.1 Shane, E. (2018) A Relational Self Psychological Approach to the Clinical Situation. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 28:687-695
4.1 Magid, B., Fosshage, J. & Shane, E. (2021) The Emerging Paradigm of Relational Self Psychology: An Historical Perspective. Psychoanalysis, Self, and Context 16:1-23

4.2 De-Idealizing Relational Theory: A Critique From Within, ed. Lewis Aron, Sue Grand, Joyce Slochower, Routledge, 2018
4.2 Decentering Relational Theory: A Comparative Critique, ed. Lewis Aron, Sue Grand, Joyce Slochower, Routledge, 2018

4.3 Relational and Intersubjective Perspectives in Psychoanalysis: A Critique, ed. Jon Mills, Jason Aronson, 2005
4.3 Debating Relational Psychoanalysis: Jon Mills and his Critics, by Jon Mills, Routledge, 2020