Tuesday, December 20, 2016

冬至前日 - Del Loewenthal's despair

Del Loewenthal明顯對研究  不管量性還是質性  是失望的  所以他心目中的批判的心理治療  是不幸的人文社會的實踐和論述  但他對批判的心理治療同時也是失望的  意思是說  他不認為  世界會因此改變

所以我們可以說  這是一個徹底失望的傢伙

但我們不可以說  這是一個讓人失望的傢伙

... three very different personal and collective courses of action may be required if we are able to significantly change our practices.

The first is to continue to remind ourselves and others, of Plato's idea that while the scientific and technical are important, they should always come second to the resources of the human soul.

Second, that the human soul in all of us is capable of good and evil and we need to be aware of those theories that sidestep realizing how we make and are capable of making others wretched.

Third, that not only will we, through the power that  be --- in our current case, neoliberalist capitalism --- be seduced or otherwise forced away from really opened up to our clients/patients and ourselves, but we will also individually wish to escape, through denial, unsavoury aspects about ourselves.


Perhaps what is most difficult is to hear and stay with the despair (Gee and Loewenthal, 2013) and what might or might not emerge from it.



One of the reviewers of the proposal for this book stated: "the proposed engagement of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and counselling with critical theory (such as Marxist, feminist and Foucauldian scholarship) is rare in itself and when married to the broadness of the disciplines covered will make it an almost unique text."


... what emerges for me are two key forces. The first is the individual who, through what some would call denial, wants to avoid staying with uncomfortable thoughts, fantasies and dreams. The second force is from those in power who do not want those that they manage to understand how this is done.

(Loewenthal, 2017, kindle location 1197-1348/5974)