Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)

Elements of Folk Psychology - Outline of a Psychological History of the Development of Mankind, by Wilhelm Wundt, Blakiston Press, 2008 (1912) (accessible via scribd)

Wilhelm Wundt in History: The Making of a Scientific Psychology, ed. by Robert W. Rieber, David K. Robinson, Springer, 2001

Wundt and the Philosophical Foundations of Psychology: A Reappraisal, by Saulo de Freitas Araujo, Springer, 2015   (accessible via fju) (see 5.2)

The psychological laws of development, obtained by VP through investigation of concrete facts of the human mind, concern only the psychic dimension of reality (EVP, p. 11). However, for the philosophical analysis of the historical process of humanity, those laws acquire a metaphysical dimension that goes beyond any possibility of empirical apprehension. For this reason, by affirming that history is the history of the spirit ( Geistesgeschichte ) (EVP, p. 515), Wundt introduced here a metaphysical dimension.

Thus, there is no psychologization of history, because the philosophy of history belongs to Wundt’s highest metaphysical interests, in which the spirit ( der Geist ) replaces the mind ( die Seele ).

To summarize, one can say that VP plays a double role in Wundt’s project. On the one hand, it is a necessary complement to experimental or individual psychology in the search for the universal laws of mental life. On the other hand, it serves as one of the foundations for the philosophy of history, which, by unifying the philosophy of nature and the philosophy of spirit, will lead to a final Weltanschauung .(Saulo de Freitas Araujo, 2015, p. 190)