Saturday, December 17, 2016

別有動機 Ulterior Motive (2015)

keep this one, because i have something to say, though not specifically limited to this one

they say, the personal is the political, which means that the political makes the personal believable, therefore, movies in taiwan are unbelievable, except the rare examples of 悲情城市 (1950s) / 黑金  (HK-made movie about taiwan in the 1990s) / 超級市民  (1970s, 1980s), etc, and, interestingly, none about the last 20 years, i truly wish there will be some taiwanese movie-makers making movies about 319, or 倒扁, e.g., in other words, there is NO REAL POLITICS (besides fucking tribal / gang wars, fucking dirty tricks, fucking lies, fucking political calculations, or sense-numbing and lie-making fucking talk shows) in taiwan in the last 20 years, nor are any stories or movies about people betrayed by the system, though which happened all the time, and thus there is NO REAL "PERSONAL", and we just pretend we are living in a certain sort of QUASI-developed country; nor are movies in china, such as this one, which is meant to illustrate the lives of the urban very very affluents, who were born via barbaric CRONY capitalism in the last 30 years, they are the proud NEW CLASS (a la Djilas) per se, they know everything, they own everything, they are pragmatic, they are well-connected, they are civilized, they are predatory, and APPARENTLY, they are FREE, which explains why i am so sad, and cannot see it through; the above applies to novels or history-writing, in general, too, in other words, you can properly imagine that, this one takes place in LA, or Bracelona, or, well, you never know, MARS, but definitely not taipei, or shanghai; in sum, taiwan and china, are both unbelievable, each in its own way; or shall we say, you must be honest and true to YOUR local history, before you can pretend to be something universal