Thursday, December 8, 2016


12/8 AM 5:21. two articles SP (2015, 2016), before 3/6. ppt DC reviewed today, oral report 12/12. duty 12/9, 12/10, 12/11. i.e. another 72-hr trip. two personnel issues, one for result, another under process. a further one not started yet, maybe 2017-3. 12/21 MC. 12/20 city hall meeting. 12/21 ym. 12/29 vgh. 12/10 digital learning refilled. 離開的定義 來去一百公里.
12/8. AM 5:50. 可惜徐克有點誇張. 浪費了越戰和文革. 結論是南越軍隊打不過黑道. 他應該打電話請教oliver stone. 梅艷芳嘴唇有點厚. 王定宇武功高強. 已入選奧運雙人三腳競走選手. 本不知何程是夫妻. 新埔農鄉. 不見海的山谷. 可以買鋤頭. 三間診所. 沒有咖啡. 街道巷弄很乾淨  一個人坐在椅上昏睡. bion破曉LA問自己為什麼你在這裡.  
12/9. 0:53 AM. dfa. call moon tomorrow, to inquire if something wrong. 都是他老人家害我BB爆線. what is post-phenomenology, post-existentialism? (del loewenthal) 毛左在想甚麼. to make a point. 無眠.
12/9. 2:55 PM. 喫緊工夫全在涵養.  i know, but i'm fucking too tired.  
12/10. 10:23 AM. duty. one consult pending. 4 more credits to fill in. 不要急促. 
12/10. 4:15 PM. A7 one fever, no tamiflu yet. H2 two agitated. still cannot find the damned 自然人憑證. the last drawer? negative.
12/10. 7:36 PM. H3 one agitated. A7 one outing, lost Rx, then found it again. distraction comes from daily chores, and boredom-desire. H2 one outing, got lost, or ran away, not found yet (8:28 PM) back home (9:40 PM) when the hurt is over.
12/10. 11:22 PM. back to the ward, finally. 從虎頭山走回鶯歌  她很想出院
12/11. 9:32 AM. phone call from 八德榮家護理長. cutting throat, at ER. waiting for consult. 11:37 AM. adm to H2. 
12/11. 9:53 PM. A7 吳 CBC/DC/CRP/CXR f/u. H2 薛 Brain CT/HT Rx/MMSE/CDR. 
12/11. 11:17 PM. tomorrow is another day, the last two days did not exist. 
12/12. 5:50 AM. 晨起. take it easy. Del Loewenthal提出post-phenomenology, post-existentialism. Quite confusing. 似乎意思是說在我們的時代需要重新檢視exsitentialism, 所以乾脆說re-existentialism. 而post-phenemenology, 其實還是phenomenology,並未post, 乾脆說revised-phenomenology. 這個老兄有點像被後現代搞昏頭了, 以為腳底下踩著棉花, 其實我們腳底下一直踩著棉花, 只是本來裝著不知道這件事. 他用後現代當切入點, 遂(以為)翻了現象學和存在哲學一軍. 
12/12. 6:50 AM. 關鍵是不要造作破壞生命的棲息地, then life will take care of itself. 
12/12. 4:27 PM. take a break, till 6:00 PM. just back from city hall, seems okay. one consult pending.
12/12. 4:58 PM. 月初山丘. a little bit tired, cannot do reading, or thinking. A7 廖 agitated, r/o amphetamine abuse, transfer to H3, just now. 
12/12. 10:27 PM. now, very tired. one consult tomorrow morning. B VH in the afternoon. cannot come to rest till 5:00 PM 12/13. 
12/13. 11:35 PM.  落髮洗澡,  醒轉過來, 
數事待辦,  OT/Psy/Nobita 開缺, 失智日照/PACE 後續. 
大自然不依人的婆婆媽媽運轉   其實是殘酷無情的.   君不見天搖地動狂風暴雨後   雨過天青  就像沒有發生過一樣嗎. 
但anthropocene的人的惡意    會比上述    更加無情.   