Monday, December 5, 2016


12/5, AM 4:59 YM (pdf, ppt) mailed. 考題 not yet mailed (to CR or Kremer). ppt of 1051203 mailed too, to be honest, to myself, no deletion. two things in the morning, AM 8:00 dementia day care, AM 9:30 PGY orientation. off MMT in the afternoon, for the first time. evening clinic PM 6:00. duty today. that makes the day. 我已不在那裡. 弓月走了. funeral one wk ago. tired, very tired. sad too. worried about jenny. in the last few days. though things kept coming. i'm talking about last week. they are coming for a look for the dementia day care tomorrow morning (12/6), not sure when yet. shall meet with davie tomorrow afternoon (12/6, PM 4:00). he seems in trouble. Rt ankle soreness, not sure why. 鐵路便當已經吃了三天. apparently, self-censorship is an issue, including myself. fucking damned, isn't it.
12/5 PM 10:52. 事與事之間的距離    今天還算恰當.
文革與Holocaust的差別是    前者的施害者就是受害者    後者的邪惡是外於自己的納粹    施害者和受害者的分別是清楚的     前者不然     因此歷史反省更難發生    因為沒有人走過那段歷史   還能宣稱自己是完整的     沒有罪惡       沒有後悔的       兩者以BPD做為典範來理解     應都屬恰當.     因兩者的發起者皆為BPD      但為何BPD的領導者可如是影響一整代人    這明顯需歷史的心理動力考察     顯然BPD的領導者      潛意識地知道時代的裸露的神經的痛點何在    他不停地踢下去      你遂不得不反射地反應之     進入他的戲碼    
12/6 AM 6:36. YM 考題 mailed to Kremer. A7-21 pneumonia. A new article from Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 3 meetings and 3 consults today.    
12/6  PM 8:51. they came to see the site this afternoon. later on, the lousy whole-day meeting next Wednesday (12/14) at VGH-Taichung was cancelled in half, the morning part was retained, which i refused to go. to run the process again, for nobi, in the next few days. 12/8 military exam. 12/12 go to the city hall. dish-washing, you see.   .