work of faith,labor of love, endurance of hope (in Jesus)—— 因信心所做的工夫,因愛心所受的勞苦,因盼望(主耶穌)所存的忍耐。
其中,最有問題的是「望」,意思是說,hope 這個字,比如說,希望,期望,盼望,渴望,望著遠方,望著那棵樹,望著那面牆,望著那隻蟑螂,望著那隻烏蠅,望著趙家人脫褲,望著王毅王小洪說英文,望著包子說這邊風景獨好,你要理解,望是視覺經驗,眼耳鼻舌身意,望需要主詞,誰在望,望需要受詞,望什麼,望需要時間,望到什麼時候,望需要結果,最後望到什麼,偷窺偷拍是望,開門見山,望著藍天白雲,也是望,意思是說,當我說,我希望 (hope),人類的覺悟和謙卑,還來得及,正確的說,應該是,我希望,我還可以,沒有失去希望,
This book is a negative alternative to the positive orientation of popular psychology and current therapeutic culture. Unlike them, it is not striving to save anyone or improve anything. It is aimed at those to whom the positive approach feels dishonest and irrelevant. It offers in three main chapters a ‘depressive realist’ perspective that explores the structural role of death, negativity, and tragedy in relation to the individual psyche, society, and nature. It explores the possibility of negative psychoanalysis, which would embrace the disaster of human existence instead of adopting positive escapist positions.
This book is not recommended to anyone who hasn’t lost hope.