Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Śāntarakṣita (寂護)



寂護梵語शान्तरक्षितŚāntarakṣita,725年-788年[1]),又譯為靜命禪怛羅乞答。藏族人稱之為希瓦措藏語ཞི་བ་ཚོ威利轉寫zhi ba tsho)。八世紀印度佛教顯教僧侶,那爛陀學者,西藏佛教人士。將印度佛教傳入西藏,建立了最初的藏傳佛教僧團,是西藏前弘期最重要的奠基者之一。與蓮花生赤松德贊,合稱師君三尊

Śāntarakṣita (Sanskrit: शान्तरक्षित; Tibetanཞི་བ་འཚོWyliezhi ba tsho,[3] 725–788),[4]whose name translates into English as "protected by the One who is at peace"[5] was an important and influential Indian Buddhist philosopher, particularly for the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.[6] Śāntarakṣita was a philosopher of the Madhyamaka school who studied at Nalanda monastery under Jñānagarbha, and became the founder of Samye, the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet.

Śāntarakṣita defended a synthetic philosophy which combined MadhyamakaYogācāraand the logico-epistemology of Dharmakirti into a novel Madhyamaka philosophical system.[6] This philosophical approach is known as Yogācāra-Mādhyamika or Yogācāra-Svatantrika-Mādhyamika in Tibetan Buddhism.[7][6] Unlike other Madhyamaka philosophers, Śāntarakṣita accepted Yogācāra doctrines like mind-only (cittamatra) and self-reflective awareness (svasamvedana), but only on the level of conventional truth.[8][9] According to James Blumenthal, this synthesis is the final major development in Indian Buddhist philosophy before the disappearance of Buddhism from India (c. 12-13th centuries).[9]