Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can we say that when Heidegger said ereignis he meant “subject to the event”? (ChatGPT, 2024-7-25) (存在治療) (1130803)

When Heidegger uses the term "Ereignis," translating it simply as "subject to the event" might not fully capture the depth and nuance of what he intended. "Ereignis" is a more complex and nuanced concept in Heidegger's later philosophy, involving a fundamental process of mutual appropriation and unfolding of Being and Dasein.

Here's a closer look at why "subject to the event" might be an oversimplification:

1. **Mutual Appropriation**: Ereignis is about the mutual appropriation of Being and Dasein, where both come into their own. It's not just about being subject to an event but about an ontological happening where Being and human existence are interrelated in a fundamental way.

2. **Beyond Subject-Object Dualism**: Heidegger's Ereignis aims to transcend the traditional subject-object dichotomy. It is not merely about a subject experiencing an event but about a more profound interplay where existence itself is constituted.

3. **Dynamic Process**: Ereignis involves a dynamic process of revealing and concealing, where truth and meaning emerge. This process is more intricate than just being subject to an event; it's about the continuous unfolding of Being.

4. **Temporal and Historical Dimensions**: Ereignis encompasses the historical and temporal unfolding of Being. It’s about how different epochs of understanding and existence reveal themselves over time, influencing our experience and perception.

5. **Authentic Existence**: The term also implies coming into one's own most authentic possibilities. It's about how individuals and Being itself come into their proper essence through this process.

In summary, while "subject to the event" captures a part of the meaning, it misses the ontological depth and the mutual, dynamic, and historical aspects of Ereignis as Heidegger conceptualizes it. Ereignis is more accurately understood as the event of appropriation where Being and Dasein reveal and constitute each other in an ongoing, dynamic process.