Monday, July 29, 2024

Françoise Davoine & Jean-Max Gaudillière (存在治療) (1130803)

Françoise Davoine obtained an Agregation in classics (French literature, Latin and Greek) in 1966, followed by a doctorate in sociology in 1981, before becoming a psychoanalyst. She worked for thirty years as a psychoanalyst in public psychiatric hospitals in France, and as an external consultant and is currently in private practice. She was a Professor at the Centre for the Study of Social Movements, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, where she and Jean-Max Gaudillière conducted a weekly seminar on 'Madness and the Social Link'. She has also made numerous presentations at the Austen Riggs Center in Massachusetts (USA), as well as elsewhere in the US, in England, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Switzerland.

簡單講,Jean-Max Gaudillière 和 Françoise Davoine,認為創傷,就是歷史創傷 (historical trauma),換句話說,中國人的精神病理,精神創傷,就是三反五反四清反右創傷,大躍進墓碑創傷,文革人食人創傷,販賣人口活摘器官創傷,數位監控防火牆控制信息製造謊言創傷,