Sunday, July 28, 2024

感質 (Qualia) (存在治療) (1130803)


What’s qualia in the philosophy of mind? (ChatGPT, 2024-7-28)

Qualia refer to the subjective, qualitative aspects of conscious experiences in the philosophy of mind. These are the individual instances of subjective, conscious experience, like the redness of red or the pain of a headache. The concept of qualia is often discussed in debates about the nature of consciousness, particularly in arguments against physicalism—the view that everything about the mind can be explained in physical terms. Proponents argue that qualia highlight the gap between physical processes and conscious experience, as no amount of physical information can fully capture what it feels like to experience something subjectively.

換句話說,「感質」就是你的主觀感受,就是你的心,而你的大腦,就是你的心的「物質」基礎,就是你的主觀感受的客觀基礎,now,主觀客觀,往往攪繞不清,無法兩分,CBT 要你遵循客觀,捨棄主觀;精神分析要你耽溺主觀,逐漸發現客觀;「釐清內外,然後尊重那個人的決定」,內就是主觀,外就是客觀;意思是說,感質就是你的詮釋和判斷,會受你的過去記憶情結影響,而且依照 epigenetics 說法,你的經驗,會反過來影響你的基因表現,意思是說,你的主觀經驗,會反過來影響你的客觀的神經迴路,意思是說,你可不要以為,每個人的大腦,都是沒有偏見的 (non-biased) 電腦,恰恰相反,每個人的大腦,都是有其主觀偏見的電腦,意思是說,你的主觀,當然不是我的主觀,但是你的客觀,未必就是我的客觀,意思是說,我們,共有的那個客觀,所謂客觀的現實 (objective reality) ,無法完全客觀,小結,感質誠然可貴,因為它讓生命多樣,每片樹葉都是不一樣的,每個人都是不一樣的,你我遂須,在客觀主觀攪繞不清的世界,找到自己兼顧客觀主觀的判斷和相信,