Thursday, July 25, 2024

‘Ereignis is more accurately understood as the event of appropriation where Being and Dasein reveal and constitute each other in an ongoing, dynamic process” Does “the event of appropriation” implies mainly “to be appropriated by the event”? (ChatGPT, 2024-7-25) (存在治療) (1130803)

"The event of appropriation" in Heidegger's concept of "Ereignis" indeed implies a more profound and mutual relationship than simply "to be appropriated by the event." Here’s a detailed clarification:

1. **Mutual Appropriation**: Ereignis is about the mutual appropriation of Being and Dasein. It’s not a one-sided appropriation where Dasein (the human existence) is merely appropriated by the event. Instead, both Being and Dasein come into their own through this process. They mutually reveal and constitute each other.

2. **Interrelated Unfolding**: The event of appropriation means that in this event, both Being and Dasein find their proper place and essence. It’s an interrelated unfolding where Dasein experiences and understands Being, and Being reveals itself through Dasein's existence.

3. **Dynamic Interaction**: The term suggests a dynamic interaction rather than a passive reception. It’s about how existence (Dasein) and the essence of Being engage in a continuous interplay, influencing and shaping each other.

4. **Ontological Grounding**: Ereignis provides the ontological grounding where this mutual appropriation happens. It’s the fundamental process that allows for the disclosure of truth and meaning in the world, where Dasein and Being are co-constitutive.

In essence, while "to be appropriated by the event" captures a part of the dynamic, it doesn’t fully convey the reciprocal and constitutive nature of Ereignis. Heidegger’s concept is about an ongoing, dynamic process where Being and Dasein are in a relationship of mutual appropriation, each finding its essence through the other.