Saturday, July 27, 2024

Event (存在治療)(1130803)

事件有二義,一為 The event of appropriation,二為 To be appropriated by the event,前者自以為是,凌駕事件之上,後者義重,承擔事件,見証存在,

Can we say that the concept of ereignis implies both ‘the event of appropriation’ and ‘to be appropriated by the event’? (ChatGPT, 2024-7-27)

Yes, we can say that the concept of "ereignis" in Heidegger's philosophy implies both "the event of appropriation" and "to be appropriated by the event." Here's how these two aspects are intertwined in Heidegger's understanding of "ereignis":

1. **The Event of Appropriation**:

    - **Mutual Unfolding**: "Ereignis" refers to a fundamental event where Being and human existence (Dasein) mutually appropriate each other. This event is not a one-sided action but a reciprocal process where Being reveals itself through Dasein, and Dasein finds its essence in relation to Being.

    - **Bringing into Ownness**: The term "ereignis" can be translated as "enowning" or "appropriation," indicating that in this event, things and beings come into their own. It is a process where entities are gathered into their proper place and identity.

2. **To Be Appropriated by the Event**:

    - **Subject to the Event**: In "ereignis," Dasein (the human being) is not merely an active agent but is also subjected to the event. This means that Dasein is shaped, constituted, and transformed by the event of appropriation. Dasein’s understanding of itself and its world is given by this event.

    - **Receptivity to Being**: Being appropriates Dasein in the sense that human existence is called into a relationship with Being, which reveals itself in a specific manner. Dasein must be receptive and open to this disclosure, allowing itself to be transformed by the event.

### Integrating Both Aspects

The concept of "ereignis" integrates these two aspects into a dynamic interplay:

- **Reciprocity**: "Ereignis" involves a reciprocal relationship where Dasein and Being are not separate but interdependent. The event of appropriation and being appropriated by the event occur simultaneously, highlighting the co-constitutive nature of this relationship.

- **Ontological Foundation**: This concept provides the ontological foundation for understanding how beings come into presence and how human beings understand their existence. It emphasizes the interrelatedness and co-dependence of Dasein and Being.

### Implications

1. **Existential Understanding**: For individuals, "ereignis" suggests that their understanding of themselves and their world is not entirely within their control but is given through their relationship with Being. This entails a level of humility and openness to the unfolding of Being.

2. **Historical and Cultural Context**: "Ereignis" also implies that historical and cultural contexts are events in which Being and human existence are disclosed. This shapes how societies and epochs understand themselves and their world.

3. **Philosophical Inquiry**: Heidegger’s focus on "ereignis" encourages a shift from focusing on entities as isolated objects to understanding the underlying processes that bring entities and human existence into their proper relationship.

In conclusion, "ereignis" indeed implies both the event of appropriation and being appropriated by the event. It is a dynamic, reciprocal process where Being and Dasein mutually disclose and constitute each other, emphasizing the interconnectedness and co-dependence of existence and understanding.