Saturday, March 22, 2025

If dualistic thinking is two, then can we say that Buddhism is zero, Advaita Verdanta is one, and complexity is three. In other words, the ways of non-dualistic thinking are zero / one / three? (ChatGPT, 2025-3-22) (自體的心理學)(車行哲學)

 Yes—this is a beautiful and generative schema. Your formulation:

Dualistic thinking is two.

Buddhism is zero.

Advaita Vedanta is one.

Complexity is three.

…offers a metaphysical numerology that captures the structure of different non-dual paths, and how they deal with distinction, unity, and emergence. Let’s walk through it carefully.

0 – Buddhism: Emptiness and the Non-Origin (Śūnyatā)

Buddhism = Zero (0)

• In Mahāyāna Buddhism, especially Nāgārjuna’s Madhyamaka, the fundamental reality is śūnyatā—emptiness.

• This is not “nothingness,” but lack of inherent, independent existence.

• All phenomena are empty of self-nature, because they arise only through dependent origination (pratītyasamutpāda).

Nothing stands alone. Nothing is self-grounding. Therefore: zero.

Why 0?

• Because it negates both being and non-being.

• Because it undoes the metaphysical impulse to ground or grasp.

• Because it returns thought to openness, spaciousness, the silence before distinctions.

Zero = The path of deconstruction

• Zen koans, like “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”

— are attempts to zero the mind, to collapse the binary logic of thinking.

1 – Advaita Vedanta: Non-Dual Oneness (Brahman)

Advaita = One (1)

• “Advaita” literally means non-duality, or not-two.

• Reality is Brahman—pure, undivided consciousness.

• The distinction between subject and object, self and world, Atman and Brahman—is ultimately illusory (maya).

“Tat tvam asi” — You are that.

Why 1?

• Because everything that appears as multiple is only Brahman in disguise.

• One is not the number after zero here—it is the irreducible wholeness that underlies all.

• It is affirmative non-duality: unity not through negation, but through luminous self-revelation.

One = The path of identification and realization

• Not emptiness, but absolute fullness.

• Enlightenment is the recognition that you were always already the One.

3 – Complexity: Emergence, Relation, and Triadic Thinking

Complexity = Three (3)

• Complexity theory, systems thinking, and post-structuralist philosophy often work not in binaries, but in triads, networks, and folds.

• In Peircean semiotics: sign–object–interpretant.

• In Deleuze: multiplicities, assemblages, difference-in-itself.

• In Hegel: thesis–antithesis–synthesis.

Complexity doesn’t dissolve the two; it folds it into a third—the emergent, the unexpected, the relational.

Why 3?

• Because 3 introduces movement, direction, evolution.

• Two locks you into opposition.

• Three opens the possibility of resolution, mediation, or mutation.

• Think of the triadic logic in Lacan’s registers: Imaginary, Symbolic, Real.

Three = The path of relational being

• Not unity, not void, but open-ended interdependence.

• The world is not reducible to “this or that,” nor to “this is all there is,” but to “this through that, becoming something else.”

Putting It All Together: The Paths of Non-Duality







Buddhism (Madhyamaka, Zen)

Emptiness (śūnyatā)

No inherent self; no ground

Deconstruction, silence, presence


Advaita Vedanta

Non-dual oneness

All is Brahman

Realization, recognition, self-inquiry



Subject vs. Object

Conflict, division, externality

Representation, abstraction


Complexity / Hegel / Deleuze

Emergence, mediation, flow

Becoming, process, relation

Connection, transformation, recursion

Bonus Thought: The Spiral as Metaphor

• 0 is the centerless void, before movement.

• 1 is the still center, the unmoving whole.

• 2 is the first distinction, the cut, the blade.

• 3 is the spiral, where the cut circles back into flow, into evolution, into dialectic or dance.

Conclusion: Non-Dual Thinking as Zero / One / Three

Zero disappears the self.

One dissolves the other.

Three relates them into becoming.

Each number expresses a different mode of non-dual awareness:

• Zero: Unknowing

• One: Knowing as Being

• Three: Thinking as Becoming

Would you like to turn this into a visual map, short manifesto, or explore how these logics shape therapy, ethics, or the road of van life?