Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Life on the Edge review – the weird world of quantum biology explained (2014-12-14)


https://youtu.be/tMhKwQNbH_k?si=t19jUDvSeyY66aX- (2019-3-29)

https://youtu.be/HXx0gW5a1QU?si=y1ED_t5dJfXZzN_O (2021-12-17)

https://youtu.be/eB-w9v1JIig?si=eQ8Jze7uyMvFmv9w (2023-3-5)

https://www.amazon.com/Life-Edge-Coming-Quantum-Biology/dp/0307986829 (2015)

Measurement is one of the most mysterious—and certainly the most argued about—aspects of quantum mechanics, as it relates to the question that we are sure has occurred to you already: Why don’t all objects we see do all these weird and wonderful things that quantum particles can do? The answer is that, down in the microscopic quantum world, particles can behave in these strange ways, like doing two things at once, being able to pass through walls, or possessing spooky connections, only when no one is looking. Once they are observed, or measured in some way, they lose their weirdness and behave like the classical objects that we see around us. But then, of course, this only throws up another question: What is so special about measurement that allows it to convert quantum behavior to classical behavior? The answer to this question is crucial to our story, because measurement lies on the borderline between the quantum and classical worlds, the quantum edge, where we, as you will have guessed from the title of this book, are claiming life also lies. (McFadden, 2015, Chap 1)



意思是說,一旦有意,則量子物理的詐 (乍)現之前的世界,即波的功能的塌陷,即墮入牛頓物理的詐 (乍)現的世界,

意思是說,有意的世界,營營求求,依依不捨,牽腸掛肚,拖泥帶水,不過詐 (乍)現,
