Sunday, April 21, 2024

Necropolitics (Negativity vs Vitality)

Necropolitics is a sociopolitical theory of the use of social and political power to dictate how some people may live and how some must die. The deployment of necropolitics creates what Achille Mbembe calls deathworlds, or "new and unique forms of social existence in which vast populations are subjected to living conditions that confer upon them the status of the living dead."[1] Mbembe, author of On the Postcolony, was the first scholar to explore the term in depth in his 2003 article,[2] and later, his 2019 book of the same name.[1] Mbembe identifies racism as a prime driver of necropolitics, stating that racialized people's lives are systemicallycheapened and habituated to loss.[1]

史在遊魂,史在野塚,史不在資治通鑑,史不在中國皇帝的褲襠 (其中,除了屌,當然就是有名的屁眼)(你要理解,Henry Gee 說,屁眼在動物的演化中,扮演了一個消化道分工的進步,意思是說,低等動物「口即屁眼」,意思是說,中國皇帝「口即屁眼」,就是低等動物,就是演化的開倒車),史不在毛語錄習思想,史在彭立發四通橋,立地作人,揭竿起義,