Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Quantum decoherence (量子去相干)

量子力學裏,開放量子系統的量子相干性會因為與外在環境發生量子糾纏而隨著時間逐漸喪失,這效應稱為量子退相干(英語:Quantum decoherence),又稱為量子去相干。量子去相干是量子系統與環境因量子糾纏而產生的後果。由於量子相干性而產生的干涉現象會因為量子去相干而變得消失無蹤。量子去相干促使系統的量子行為變遷成為古典行為,這過程稱為「量子至古典變遷」(quantum-to-classical transition)。德國物理學者漢斯·澤賀最先於1970年提出量子去相干的概念。自1980年以來,量子去相干已成為熱門研究論題。[2][1]:10-12

Quantum decoherence is the loss of quantum coherence, the process in which a system's behaviour changes from that which can be explained by quantum mechanics to that which can be explained by classical mechanics. Beginning out of attempts to extend the understanding of quantum mechanics, the theory has developed in several directions and experimental studies have confirmed some of the key issues. Quantum computing relies on quantum coherence and is the primary practical applications of the concept.
